
// Base struct shared by all subtypes
// Plain-old data; can't use virtual functions
struct POD
    int kind;

    int GetFoo();
    int GetBar();
    int GetBaz();
    int GetXyzzy();

enum Kind { Kind_Derived1, Kind_Derived2, Kind_Derived3 /* , ... */ };

struct Derived1: POD
    Derived1(): kind(Kind_Derived1) {}

    int GetFoo();
    int GetBar();
    int GetBaz();
    int GetXyzzy();

    // ... plus other type-specific data and function members ...

struct Derived2: POD
    Derived2(): kind(Kind_Derived2) {}

    int GetFoo();
    int GetBar();
    int GetBaz();
    int GetXyzzy();

    // ... plus other type-specific data and function members ...

struct Derived3: POD
    Derived3(): kind(Kind_Derived3) {}

    int GetFoo();
    int GetBar();
    int GetBaz();
    int GetXyzzy();

    // ... plus other type-specific data and function members ...

// ... and so on for other derived classes ...


int POD::GetFoo()
    // Call kind-specific function
    switch (kind)
    case Kind_Derived1:
        Derived1 *pDerived1 = static_cast<Derived1*>(this);
        return pDerived1->GetFoo();
    case Kind_Derived2:
        Derived2 *pDerived2 = static_cast<Derived2*>(this);
        return pDerived2->GetFoo();
    case Kind_Derived3:
        Derived3 *pDerived3 = static_cast<Derived3*>(this);
        return pDerived3->GetFoo();

    // ... and so on for other derived classes ...

        throw UnknownKindException(kind, "GetFoo");

POD::GetBar(), POD::GetBaz(),POD::GetXyzzy()和其他成员的实现方式类似。




我想到的是,我可以创建某种包装 aPOD并使用模板来最小化冗余的适配器类。但在我开始走这条路之前,我想知道其他人是如何处理这个问题的。


6 回答 6



template<typename T> int get_derived_foo(POD*ptr) {
    return static_cast<T>(ptr)->GetFoo();
int (*)(POD*) funcs[] = {
int POD::GetFoo() {
    return funcs[kind](this);



您可以使用字符串映射,其中每个进程都有自己的映射副本。您必须将其传递给 GetFoo() 以便它可以找到它。

struct POD {
    int GetFoo(std::map<int, std::function<int()>& ref) {
        return ref[kind]();

编辑:当然,你不必在这里使用字符串,你可以使用 int。我只是用它作为例子。我应该把它改回来。事实上,这个解决方案非常灵活,但重要的是,复制特定于进程的数据,例如函数指针或其他任何东西,然后将其传入。

于 2011-01-14T16:34:16.053 回答

Here is an approach that uses virtual methods to implement the jump table, without requiring the Pod class or the derived classes to actually have virtual functions.

The objective is to simplify adding and removing methods across many classes.

To add a method, it needs to be added to Pod using a clear and common pattern, a pure virtual function needs to be added to PodInterface, and a forwarding function must be added to PodFuncs using a clear and common pattern.

Derived classes need only have a file static initialisation object to set things up, otherwise look pretty much like they already do.

// Pod header

#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
enum Kind { Kind_Derived1, Kind_Derived2, Kind_Derived3 /* , ... */ };

struct Pod
    int kind;

    int GetFoo();
    int GetBar();
    int GetBaz();

struct PodInterface
    virtual ~PodInterface();

    virtual int GetFoo(Pod* p) const = 0;
    virtual int GetBar(Pod* p) const = 0;
    virtual int GetBaz(Pod* p) const = 0;

    static void
            boost::shared_ptr<PodInterface const> const& p,
            int kind);

template<class T> struct PodFuncs : public PodInterface
    struct Init
        Init(int kind)
            boost::shared_ptr<PodInterface> t(new PodFuncs);
            PodInterface::do_init(t, kind);

    ~PodFuncs() { }

    int GetFoo(Pod* p) const { return static_cast<T*>(p)->GetFoo(); }
    int GetBar(Pod* p) const { return static_cast<T*>(p)->GetBar(); }
    int GetBaz(Pod* p) const { return static_cast<T*>(p)->GetBaz(); }

// Pod Implementation

#include <map>

typedef std::map<int, boost::shared_ptr<PodInterface const> > FuncMap;

static FuncMap& get_funcmap()
    // Replace with other approach for static initialisation order as appropriate.
    static FuncMap s_funcmap;
    return s_funcmap;

// struct Pod methods

int Pod::GetFoo()
    return get_funcmap()[kind]->GetFoo(this);

// struct PodInterface methods, in same file as s_funcs


        boost::shared_ptr<PodInterface const> const& p,
        int kind)
    // Could do checking for duplicates here.
    get_funcmap()[kind] = p;

// Derived1

struct Derived1 : Pod
    Derived1() { kind = Kind_Derived1; }

    int GetFoo();
    int GetBar();
    int GetBaz();

    // Whatever else.

// Derived1 implementation

static const PodFuncs<Derived1>::Init s_interface_init(Kind_Derived1);

int Derived1::GetFoo() { /* Implement */ }
int Derived1::GetBar() { /* Implement */ }
int Derived1::GetBaz() { /* Implement */ } 
于 2011-01-15T03:53:35.180 回答


  • 添加对新类型的支持只需要更新LAST_KIND和添加新的KindTraits.
  • 添加新功能有一个简单的模式。
  • 如有必要,函数可以专门用于特定类型。
  • 如果我搞砸了,我可以期待编译时错误和警告,而不是神秘的运行时不当行为。


  • POD的实现现在依赖于所有派生类的接口。(在现有的实现中已经是这样了,所以我并不担心,但它有点臭。)
  • 我指望编译器足够聪明,可以生成大致相当于switch基于 - 的代码的代码。
  • 很多 C++ 程序员看到这个会挠头。


// Declare first and last kinds
const int FIRST_KIND = Kind_Derived1;
const int LAST_KIND = Kind_Derived3;

// Provide a compile-time mapping from a kind code to a subtype
template <int KIND>
struct KindTraits
    typedef void Subtype;
template <> KindTraits<Kind_Derived1> { typedef Derived1 Subtype; };
template <> KindTraits<Kind_Derived2> { typedef Derived2 Subtype; };
template <> KindTraits<Kind_Derived3> { typedef Derived3 Subtype; };

// If kind matches, then do the appropriate typecast and return result;
// otherwise, try the next kind.
template <int KIND>
int GetFooForKind(POD *pod)
    if (pod->kind == KIND)
        return static_cast<KindTraits<KIND>::Subtype>(pod)->GetFoo();
        return GetFooForKind<KIND + 1>();  // try the next kind

// Specialization for LAST_KIND+1 
template <> int GetFooForKind<LAST_KIND + 1>(POD *pod)
    // kind didn't match anything in FIRST_KIND..LAST_KIND
    throw UnknownKindException(kind, "GetFoo");

// Now POD's function members can be implemented like this:

int POD::GetFoo()
    return GetFooForKind<FIRST_KIND>(this);
于 2011-01-16T14:37:53.637 回答

您可以尝试使用Curiously recurring 模板模式。这有点复杂,但是当你不能使用纯虚函数时,它会很有帮助。

于 2011-01-14T16:35:49.943 回答

这是一个使用 Curiously recurring 模板模式的示例。如果您在编译时了解更多信息,这可能适合您的需求。

template<class DerivedType>
struct POD
    int GetFoo()
        return static_cast<DerivedType*>(this)->GetFoo();
    int GetBar()
        return static_cast<DerivedType*>(this).GetBar();
    int GetBaz()
        return static_cast<DerivedType*>(this).GetBaz();
    int GetXyzzy()
        return static_cast<DerivedType*>(this).GetXyzzy();

struct Derived1 : public POD<Derived1>
    int GetFoo()
        return 1;
    //define all implementations

struct Derived2 : public POD<Derived2>
    //define all implementations


int main()
    Derived1 d1;
    cout << d1.GetFoo() << endl;
    POD<Derived1> *p = new Derived1;
    cout << p->GetFoo() << endl;
    return 0;
于 2011-01-14T19:28:31.077 回答


#include <typeinfo>
#include <iostream>
#include <functional>
#include <vector>

enum Kind
    Kind_Derived1 = Kind_First,

struct POD
    size_t kind;

    int GetFoo();
    int GetBar();

struct VTable
    std::function<int(POD*)> GetFoo;
    std::function<int(POD*)> GetBar;

template<int KIND>
struct KindTraits
    typedef POD KindType;

template<int KIND>
void InitRegistry(std::vector<VTable> &t)
    typedef typename KindTraits<KIND>::KindType KindType;

    size_t i = KIND;
    t[i].GetFoo = [](POD *p) -> int {
        return static_cast<KindType*>(p)->GetFoo();
    t[i].GetBar = [](POD *p) -> int {
        return static_cast<KindType*>(p)->GetBar();

void InitRegistry<Kind_Total>(std::vector<VTable> &t)

struct Registry
    std::vector<VTable> table;


Registry reg;

int POD::GetFoo() { return reg.table[kind].GetFoo(this); }
int POD::GetBar() { return reg.table[kind].GetBar(this); }

struct Derived1 : POD
    Derived1() { kind = Kind_Derived1; }

    int GetFoo() { return 0; }
    int GetBar() { return 1; }
template<> struct KindTraits<Kind_Derived1> { typedef Derived1 KindType; };

struct Derived2 : POD
    Derived2() { kind = Kind_Derived2; }

    int GetFoo() { return 2; }
    int GetBar() { return 3; }
template<> struct KindTraits<Kind_Derived2> { typedef Derived2 KindType; };

int main()
    Derived1 d1;
    Derived2 d2;
    POD *p;

    p = static_cast<POD*>(&d1);
    std::cout << p->GetFoo() << '\n';
    p = static_cast<POD*>(&d2);
    std::cout << p->GetBar() << '\n';
于 2013-10-02T16:04:32.503 回答