花了一点时间弄清楚,但我有 4 个 Java8 VM(版本 1.8.0_162)使用共享类运行。以下脚本用于设置和测试共享,稍作修改即可在其他地方使用:
# Libraries to load
# Uncomment these lines for the first phase where you are determining the classes to archive. During this phase aim to get as many classes loaded as possible
# which means loading a schedule and retrieving the stop list and next vehicle information
#APPCDS="-Xshare:off -XX:+UnlockCommercialFeatures -XX:+UseAppCDS -XX:DumpLoadedClassList=../GtfsAppCds.lst"
#java -Xmx512m $APPCDS -Dderby.system.home=database -classpath $LIBS1$LIBS2 com.transitrtd.GtfsOperatorManager
# Uncomment these lines when the class list is created and run to create the shared archive. Classes marked as unverifiable will need to be removed from the
# archived class list in GtfsAppCds.lst and the lines below run again. LIBS2 above contains jars which are left out of the archive. These are jars which change
# frequently and would therefore cause the archive to be frequently rebuilt.
#APPCDS="-Xshare:dump -XX:+UnlockCommercialFeatures -XX:+UseAppCDS -XX:SharedClassListFile=../GtfsAppCds.lst -XX:SharedArchiveFile=../GtfsAppCds.jsa"
#java -Xmx512m $APPCDS -classpath $LIBS1
# Uncomment these lines when wishing to verify the application is using the shared archive.
#APPCDS="-Xshare:on -XX:+UnlockCommercialFeatures -XX:+UseAppCDS -XX:SharedArchiveFile=../GtfsAppCds.jsa -verbose:class"
#java -Xmx512m $APPCDS -Dderby.system.home=database -classpath $LIBS1$LIBS2 com.transitrtd.GtfsOperatorManager
请注意,共享存档文件(即 jsa 文件)取决于体系结构,需要在每个目标平台类型上构建。
此外,如果 jar 使用密封包,则会引发安全异常,请参阅
有关密封包装的信息。上面的derby.jar就是这种情况,但可以通过解压 jar 文件、将清单中的Sealed:true替换为Sealed:false并重新打包来解决问题。
用旧版本的 java 构建的 jar 不能在共享存档中使用,在上述情况下,需要将 derby 版本从 10.10 升级到 10.14 才能受益。