I'm trying to use the citrus-framework to test an integration that writes some files on a FTP server.

I need to wait until some file is uploaded to the ftp (I'm using waitFor().condition() statement to accomplish that) and then receive the messages sent and do some assertions.

import com.consol.citrus.annotations.CitrusTest;
import com.consol.citrus.condition.Condition;
import com.consol.citrus.context.TestContext;
import com.consol.citrus.dsl.testng.TestNGCitrusTestDesigner;
import com.consol.citrus.ftp.server.FtpServer;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.test.context.ActiveProfiles;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;

import java.io.File;

@ActiveProfiles(value = "ftpTest")
public class FtpTest extends TestNGCitrusTestDesigner {
    FtpServer ftpServer;
    TestContext context;

    @CitrusTest(name = "ftpTest")
    public void ftpTest() {

        // here I start my integration that uses a cron to upload the file
        // this code is irrelevant for the example

        Condition waitUntilFileIsUploaded = new Condition() {
            public String getName () {
                return "Check files on FTP";

            public boolean isSatisfied (TestContext testContext){
                return new File("/tmp/foo_dir").listFiles().length != 0;

            public String getSuccessMessage (TestContext testContext){
                return "Files found in FTP!";

            public String getErrorMessage (TestContext testContext){
                return "No file was found in FTP";


When I try to run this test looks like the waitFor() is never executed and ftpServer.createConsumer().receive(context); is executed before any file could be uploaded to the FTP.

This is the error that I'm getting:

ftpTest>TestNGCitrusTest.run:57->TestNGCitrusTest.run:111->TestNGCitrusTestDesigner.invokeTestMethod:73->TestNGCitrusTest.invokeTestMethod:133->ftpTest:49 » ActionTimeout

Any idea how I could fix this? Also any complete example for using FTP Java DSL with Citrus would be more than welcome!


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       .header("some-header", "some-value")
       .payload("some payload");



于 2017-10-25T07:44:24.353 回答