Android 中的FileDescriptor API 说:


我想使用ByteArrayOutputStreamByteArrayInputStream创建一个 FileDescriptor 对象

此外,FileDescriptor 是最终类,不能被覆盖。它唯一的构造函数说 -

构造一个(无效的) FileDescriptor 对象。

知道如何在 Android 中使用 FileDescriptor 吗?


我想在MediaMuxer中使用它。我不想写入文件,而是希望将媒体数据保存在内存中并将其复制到 TCP 套接字以进行实时流式传输。所以我的 FileDescriptor 应该是一个“字节汇”。


2 回答 2


使用 a LocalSocket,但要小心,因为存在安全隐患。

LocalSocket是用于处理 Unix 域套接字的 Android API。域套接字类似于 TCP/IP 套接字,只是它们只存在于设备上,不能用于跨网络通信。


// Create a unique name for the socket.
String name = "your.package.name-" + UUID.randomUUID();

// Bind a server to the socket.
final LocalServerSocket server = new LocalServerSocket(name);

// Connect a client to the socket.
LocalSocket client = new LocalSocket(LocalSocket.SOCKET_STREAM);
client.connect(new LocalSocketAddress(name, LocalSocketAddress.Namespace.ABSTRACT));

// Start a thread to read from the server socket.
new Thread(new Runnable {
    public void run() {
        LocalSocket socket = server.accept();

        // To read data sent by the client, read from socket.getInputStream().
        // To send data to the client, write to socket.getOutputStream().

        // After you are done you will need to call socket.close().

// Get the FileDescriptor associated with the client.
// You can use this FileDescriptor to write data to and/or read data
// sent from the server.
FileDescriptor fileDescriptor = client.getFileDescriptor();

// After you are done you will need to call server.close() and client.close().


一个更好但更复杂的解决方案是在文件系统命名空间中创建一个套接字。执行此操作的 API 非常奇怪,但可以通过以下方式实现:

// Create a unique name for the socket in your app's private data area.
// Note this example creates a file named like socket-xxxx in the root of
// your app's private data area. You might want to put it in a subdirectory.
String name = context
    .getFileStreamPath("socket-" + UUID.randomUUID())
LocalSocketAddress address = new LocalSocketAddress(name, LocalSocketAddress.Namespace.FILESYSTEM);

// Bind a server to the socket.
LocalSocket server = new LocalSocket(LocalSocket.SOCKET_STREAM);
final LocalServerSocket serverWrapper = new LocalServerSocket(server.getFileDescriptor());

// Connect a client to the socket.
LocalSocket client = new LocalSocket(LocalSocket.SOCKET_STREAM);

// Start a thread to read from the server socket.
new Thread(new Runnable {
    public void run() {
        LocalSocket socket = serverWrapper.accept();

        // To read data sent by the client, read from socket.getInputStream().
        // To send data to the client, write to socket.getOutputStream().

        // After you are done you will need to call socket.close() and
        // serverWrapper.close().

// Get the FileDescriptor associated with the client.
// You can use this FileDescriptor to write data to and/or read data
// sent from the server.
FileDescriptor fileDescriptor = client.getFileDescriptor();

// After you are done you will need to call server.close() and client.close().



于 2020-06-30T05:45:10.270 回答

您可以将 System.out 重定向到 ByteArrayOutputStream 并使用 FileDescriptor.out 作为文件描述符

ByteArrayOutputStream buff = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
PrintStream old = System.out;
System.setOut(new PrintStream(buff));

... use FileDescriptor.out ...

System.out.println(new String(buff.toByteArray()));
于 2018-07-09T08:34:39.913 回答