当我偶然发现这个问题时,我正在尝试使用 C++0x 可变参数模板:

template < typename ...Args >
struct identities
    typedef Args type; //compile error: "parameter packs not expanded with '...'

//The following code just shows an example of potential use, but has no relation
//with what I am actually trying to achieve.
template < typename T >
struct convert_in_tuple
    typedef std::tuple< typename T::type... > type;

typedef convert_in_tuple< identities< int, float > >::type int_float_tuple;

当我尝试 typedef 模板参数包时,GCC 4.5.0 给我一个错误。

基本上,我想将参数包“存储”在 typedef 中,而不是将其解包。是否可以?如果不是,是否有某些原因不允许这样做?


4 回答 4


另一种比 Ben 更通用的方法如下:

#include <tuple>

template <typename... Args>
struct variadic_typedef
    // this single type represents a collection of types,
    // as the template arguments it took to define it

template <typename... Args>
struct convert_in_tuple
    // base case, nothing special,
    // just use the arguments directly
    // however they need to be used
    typedef std::tuple<Args...> type;

template <typename... Args>
struct convert_in_tuple<variadic_typedef<Args...>>
    // expand the variadic_typedef back into
    // its arguments, via specialization
    // (doesn't rely on functionality to be provided
    // by the variadic_typedef struct itself, generic)
    typedef typename convert_in_tuple<Args...>::type type;

typedef variadic_typedef<int, float> myTypes;
typedef convert_in_tuple<myTypes>::type int_float_tuple;

int main()
于 2011-01-14T16:42:39.347 回答



template < typename ...Args >
struct identities
    template < template<typename ...> class T >
    struct apply
        typedef T<Args...> type;

template < template<template<typename ...> class> class T >
struct convert_in_tuple
    typedef typename T<std::tuple>::type type;

typedef convert_in_tuple< identities< int, float >::apply >::type int_float_tuple;
于 2011-01-14T14:31:46.747 回答

我发现 Ben Voigt 的想法在我自己的努力中非常有用。我对其进行了一些修改,使其不仅适用于元组。对于这里的读者来说,这可能是一个明显的修改,但它可能值得展示:

template <template <class ... Args> class T, class ... Args>
struct TypeWithList
  typedef T<Args...> type;

template <template <class ... Args> class T, class ... Args>
struct TypeWithList<T, VariadicTypedef<Args...>>
  typedef typename TypeWithList<T, Args...>::type type;

名称 TypeWithList 源于该类型现在使用以前的列表进行实例化。

于 2013-09-04T10:56:41.533 回答

这是 GManNickG 巧妙的偏特化技巧的一种变体。没有委托,并且通过要求使用 variadic_typedef 结构,您可以获得更多的类型安全性。

#include <tuple>

template<typename... Args>
struct variadic_typedef {};

template<typename... Args>
struct convert_in_tuple {
    //Leaving this empty will cause the compiler
    //to complain if you try to access a "type" member.
    //You may also be able to do something like:
    //static_assert(std::is_same<>::value, "blah")
    //if you know something about the types.

template<typename... Args>
struct convert_in_tuple< variadic_typedef<Args...> > {
    //use Args normally
    typedef std::tuple<Args...> type;

typedef variadic_typedef<int, float> myTypes;
typedef convert_in_tuple<myTypes>::type int_float_tuple; //compiles
//typedef convert_in_tuple<int, float>::type int_float_tuple; //doesn't compile

int main() {}
于 2013-02-18T01:08:38.427 回答