有人知道如何在 CoffeeScript 中创建私有的非静态成员吗​​?目前我正在这样做,它只是使用一个以下划线开头的公共变量来澄清它不应该在类之外使用:

class Thing extends EventEmitter
  constructor: (@_name) ->

  getName: -> @_name



11 回答 11



class Foo
  # this will be our private method. it is invisible
  # outside of the current scope
  foo = -> "foo"

  # this will be our public method.
  # note that it is defined with ':' and not '='
  # '=' creates a *local* variable
  # : adds a property to the class prototype
  bar: -> foo()

c = new Foo

# this will return "foo"

# this will crash

coffeescript 将其编译为以下内容:

(function() {
  var Foo, c;

  Foo = (function() {
    var foo;

    function Foo() {}

    foo = function() {
      return "foo";

    Foo.prototype.bar = function() {
      return foo();

    return Foo;


  c = new Foo;



于 2011-11-30T23:12:24.097 回答



class Thing extends EventEmitter
  constructor: (name) ->
    @getName = -> name

请记住,“这只是 JavaScript。”

于 2011-01-13T23:02:14.243 回答


class Thing extends EventEmitter
  constructor: ( nm) ->
    _name = nm
    Object.defineProperty @, 'name',
      get: ->
      set: (val) ->
        _name = val
      enumerable: true
      configurable: true


t = new Thing( 'Dropin')
#  members can be accessed like properties with the protection from getter/setter functions!
t.name = 'Dragout'  
console.log t.name
# no way to access the private member
console.log t._name
于 2012-09-26T05:54:02.303 回答

Vitaly 的回答有一个问题,那就是你不能定义你希望在范围内唯一的变量,如果你以这种方式创建了一个私有名称然后更改它,那么该类的每个实例的名称值都会改变,所以我们有一种方法可以解决这个问题

# create a function that will pretend to be our class 
MyClass = ->

    # this has created a new scope 
    # define our private varibles
    names = ['joe', 'jerry']

    # the names array will be different for every single instance of the class
    # so that solves our problem

    # define our REAL class
    class InnerMyClass 

        # test function 
        getNames: ->
            return names;

    # return new instance of our class 
    new InnerMyClass

除非您使用,否则从外部访问 names 数组并非不可能getNames


test = new MyClass;

tempNames = test.getNames()

tempNames # is ['joe', 'jerry']

# add a new value 
tempNames.push 'john'

# now get the names again 
newNames = test.getNames();

# the value of newNames is now 
['joe', 'jerry', 'john']

# now to check a new instance has a new clean names array 
newInstance = new MyClass
newInstance.getNames() # === ['joe', 'jerry']

# test should not be affected
test.getNames() # === ['joe', 'jerry', 'john']


var MyClass;

MyClass = function() {
  var names;
  names = ['joe', 'jerry'];
  MyClass = (function() {

    MyClass.name = 'MyClass';

    function MyClass() {}

    MyClass.prototype.getNames = function() {
      return names;

    return MyClass;

  return new MyClass;
于 2014-02-24T03:02:55.110 回答

这是一个利用此处的其他几个答案以及https://stackoverflow.com/a/7579956/1484513的解决方案。它将私有实例(非静态)变量存储在私有类(静态)数组中,并使用对象 ID 来了解该数组的哪个元素包含属于每个实例的数据。

# Add IDs to classes.
  i = 1
  Object.defineProperty Object.prototype, "__id", { writable:true }
  Object.defineProperty Object.prototype, "_id", { get: -> @__id ?= i++ }

class MyClass
  # Private attribute storage.
  __ = []

  # Private class (static) variables.
  _a = null
  _b = null

  # Public instance attributes.
  c: null

  # Private functions.
  _getA = -> a

  # Public methods.
  getB: -> _b
  getD: -> __[@._id].d

  constructor: (a,b,@c,d) ->
    _a = a
    _b = b

    # Private instance attributes.
    __[@._id] = {d:d}

# Test

test1 = new MyClass 's', 't', 'u', 'v'
console.log 'test1', test1.getB(), test1.c, test1.getD()  # test1 t u v

test2 = new MyClass 'W', 'X', 'Y', 'Z'
console.log 'test2', test2.getB(), test2.c, test2.getD()  # test2 X Y Z

console.log 'test1', test1.getB(), test1.c, test1.getD()  # test1 X u v

console.log test1.a         # undefined
console.log test1._a        # undefined

# Test sub-classes.

class AnotherClass extends MyClass

test1 = new AnotherClass 's', 't', 'u', 'v'
console.log 'test1', test1.getB(), test1.c, test1.getD()  # test1 t u v

test2 = new AnotherClass 'W', 'X', 'Y', 'Z'
console.log 'test2', test2.getB(), test2.c, test2.getD()  # test2 X Y Z

console.log 'test1', test1.getB(), test1.c, test1.getD()  # test1 X u v

console.log test1.a         # undefined
console.log test1._a        # undefined
console.log test1.getA()    # fatal error
于 2014-11-23T13:35:31.483 回答

这是我找到的关于设置public static membersprivate static memberspublic and private members和其他一些相关内容的最佳文章。它涵盖了很多细节和js对比coffee。由于历史原因,这是其中最好的代码示例:

# CoffeeScript

class Square

    # private static variable
    counter = 0

    # private static method
    countInstance = ->
        counter++; return

    # public static method
    @instanceCount = ->

    constructor: (side) ->


        # side is already a private variable, 
        # we define a private variable `self` to avoid evil `this`

        self = this

        # private method
        logChange = ->
            console.log "Side is set to #{side}"

        # public methods
        self.setSide = (v) ->
            side = v

        self.area = ->
            side * side

s1 = new Square(2)
console.log s1.area()   # output 4

s2 = new Square(3)
console.log s2.area()   # output 9

s2.setSide 4            # output Side is set to 4
console.log s2.area()   # output 16

console.log Square.instanceCount() # output 2
于 2015-06-01T14:41:39.203 回答

下面是如何在 Coffeescript 中声明私有的、非静态的成员。

class Class

  # private members
  # note: '=' is used to define private members
  # naming convention for private members is _camelCase

  _privateProperty = 0

  _privateMethod = (value) ->        
    _privateProperty = value

  # example of _privateProperty set up in class constructor
  constructor: (privateProperty, @publicProperty) ->
    _privateProperty = privateProperty
于 2014-07-17T08:47:14.373 回答


EventEmitter = ->
  privateName = ""

  setName: (name) -> privateName = name
  getName: -> privateName

.. 导致

emitter1 = new EventEmitter()
emitter1.setName 'Name1'

emitter2 = new EventEmitter()
emitter2.setName 'Name2'

console.log emitter1.getName() # 'Name1'
console.log emitter2.getName() # 'Name2'

但要小心将私有成员放在公共函数之前,因为咖啡脚本将公共函数作为对象返回。查看编译后的 Javascript:

EventEmitter = function() {
  var privateName = "";

  return {
    setName: function(name) {
      return privateName = name;
    getName: function() {
      return privateName;
于 2015-08-06T15:42:54.803 回答

由于咖啡脚本编译为 JavaScript,因此拥有私有变量的唯一方法是通过闭包。

class Animal
  foo = 2 # declare it inside the class so all prototypes share it through closure
  constructor: (value) ->
      foo = value

  test: (meters) ->
    alert foo

e = new Animal(5);
e.test() # 5

这将通过以下 JavaScript 进行编译:

var Animal, e;
Animal = (function() {
  var foo; // closured by test and the constructor
  foo = 2;
  function Animal(value) {
    foo = value;
  Animal.prototype.test = function(meters) {
    return alert(foo);
  return Animal;

e = new Animal(5);
e.test(); // 5


于 2011-01-13T22:06:12.977 回答

您不能使用 CoffeeScript 类轻松地做到这一点,因为它们使用 Javascript 构造函数模式来创建类。


callMe = (f) -> f()
extend = (a, b) -> a[m] = b[m] for m of b; a

class superclass
  constructor: (@extra) ->
  method: (x) -> alert "hello world! #{x}#{@extra}"

subclass = (args...) -> extend (new superclass args...), callMe ->
  privateVar = 1

  getter: -> privateVar
  setter: (newVal) -> privateVar = newVal
  method2: (x) -> @method "#{x} foo and "

instance = subclass 'bar'
instance.setter 123
instance2 = subclass 'baz'
instance2.setter 432

instance.method2 "#{instance.getter()} <-> #{instance2.getter()} ! also, "
alert "but: #{instance.privateVar} <-> #{instance2.privateVar}"

但是你失去了 CoffeeScript 类的伟大之处,因为除了再次使用 extend() 之外,你不能从以这种方式创建的类继承。instanceof将停止工作,并且以这种方式创建的对象会消耗更多内存。此外,您不能再使用newsuper关键字。

关键是,每次实例化类时都必须创建闭包。纯 CoffeeScript 类中的成员闭包只创建一次 - 即在构造类运行时“类型”时。

于 2012-06-02T20:59:09.967 回答

如果您只想将私人成员与公共成员分开,只需将其包装在 $ 变量中

        body: null
        definitions: null


于 2013-02-19T16:11:20.003 回答