I am looking at having SUMO as the mobility server and I would like to map an OpenDS vehicle object onto the SUMO simulation by interfacing with SUMO using TraCI. A human user would be interacting with OpenDS through a driving machine and the aim is to create a human-in-the-loop simulation. I would be looking at transmitting mobility information in a bidirectional manner between SUMO and OpenDS.

I am relatively new to this area and I was not able to find suitable references. I would appreciate pointers to any relevant documentation or projects.

Thanks in advance.


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有几个项目将 SUMO 与驾驶模拟器耦合,PARCOURS 项目已在此处描述,rFPro 解决方案在此处(另请查看程序),但不幸的是我不知道任何可用的开源实现。通常这对夫妇使用 TraCI 接口,其中最重要的命令是 vehicle.moveToXY,它将用户驾驶车辆的位置与其在 SUMO 中的对应位置同步。

于 2017-10-20T15:51:08.727 回答