I'm looking for a library in c or objective c that does node-data visualizations similar to http://arborjs.org/

node map graphic

helpful answers include,

  1. what are graphs like that called?
  2. names of libraries that do something like that.
  3. suggestions for implementation.

I'm targeting iOS and/or MacOS, hence c or objective-c/cocoa. On iOS the javascript version runs super slow.


Edit: GraphViz looks great. I'm a little concerned it may have dependencies that are GPL, and thus can't be used on iOS... looking into that now.


3 回答 3


Actually there seems to be an Objective-C port of arborjs, see https://github.com/epreston/PSArborTouch.

于 2012-08-17T12:29:25.303 回答

This is called graph visualization and the best toolkit that I know for it is called GraphViz. It has C libraries.

于 2011-01-13T19:08:21.273 回答

That sort of graph doesn't have a particular name; not without knowing more context. So without more information, it's a "graph".

As for a library, there's an open source project called GraphViz. You'll have to dig a bit to find the drawing code, but it's in there somewhere. :)

于 2011-01-13T19:07:10.697 回答