如何使用Pyrfc Python 库查询 SAP R/3 数据库表中的条目数?


1 回答 1


I know of two methods to do this using Pyrfc. Modify the following example with your SAP R/3 server connection settings and desired table name:

from pyrfc import Connection
params = dict(ashost='', sysnr='1', client='100',
              user='username', passwd='password')
table = 'MKAL'
with Connection(**params) as conn:
    # Method 1
    result = conn.call('RFC_GET_TABLE_ENTRIES', TABLE_NAME=table, MAX_ENTRIES=1)
    entries = result['NUMBER_OF_ENTRIES']

    # Method 2
    result = conn.call('EM_GET_NUMBER_OF_ENTRIES', IT_TABLES=[{'TABNAME': table}])
    entries = result['IT_TABLES'][0]['TABROWS']
于 2017-10-19T18:14:54.173 回答