
我想在 C# 中使用并行 For 循环来运行函数并将结果写入变量。

这是我正在使用的当前 for 循环:

string[][,] PatternTables;                    
for (i = 0; i < BOMs.Length; i++)
                PatternTables[i] = BOMAnalysis(Pattern, PatternMatch, BOMs, HeaderIndex);


是的,我现在多次运行同一件事,因为我之前没有做过并行循环,我想在添加变化之前确保一致性。如何将此 for 循环重写为并行 for 循环,以便获得一致的结果?


if (scrMatch)
        Array.Resize(ref PatternMatch[k][0], PatternMatch[k][0].Length + 1);
        Array.Resize(ref PatternMatch[k][1], PatternMatch[k][1].Length + 1);
        Array.Resize(ref PatternMatch[k][2], PatternMatch[k][2].Length + 1);
        Array.Resize(ref PatternMatch[k][3], PatternMatch[k][3].Length + 1);
        Array.Resize(ref PatternMatch[k][4], PatternMatch[k][4].Length + 1);
        Array.Resize(ref PatternMatch[k][5], PatternMatch[k][5].Length + 1);
        Array.Resize(ref PatternMatch[k][6], PatternMatch[k][6].Length + 1);

        int Row = j + 1;

        PatternMatch[k][0][PatternMatch[k][0].Length - 1] = Row.ToString();
        PatternMatch[k][1][PatternMatch[k][1].Length - 1] = BOMs[i][j, HeaderIndex[4, i]];
        PatternMatch[k][2][PatternMatch[k][2].Length - 1] = BOMs[i][j, HeaderIndex[2, i]];
        PatternMatch[k][3][PatternMatch[k][3].Length - 1] = BOMs[i][j, HeaderIndex[6, i]];
        PatternMatch[k][4][PatternMatch[k][4].Length - 1] = BOMs[i][j, HeaderIndex[3, i]];
        PatternMatch[k][5][PatternMatch[k][5].Length - 1] = BOMs[i][j, HeaderIndex[0, i]];
        PatternMatch[k][6][PatternMatch[k][6].Length - 1] = BOMs[i][j, HeaderIndex[1, i]];


2 回答 2


看看 Parallel.For() 方法。
您使用 Parallel.For()-Method 的代码应如下所示:

        string[][,] PatternTables;
        Parallel.For(0, PatternTables.Length,
            index =>
                PatternTables[index] = BOMAnalysis(Pattern, PatternMatch, BOMs, HeaderIndex);


  1. 开始索引
  2. 最后索引
  3. 委托(每次迭代执行的代码)
    看看这个:https ://msdn.microsoft.com/de-de/library/dd460713(v=vs.110).aspx
于 2017-10-19T18:13:32.347 回答

To make it thread safe you would have to use a Lock.

Dim locker as new Object();
Parallel.For(0, BMOs.length, index =>{

     //thread safe code


If the whole function that you have in the for loop needs to be locked then the regular loop you are using now will work fine. This is because the lock will only allow one thread to access that function at a time, defeating the purpose of the parallel loop.

于 2017-10-19T18:15:09.370 回答