如果我正确理解您的架构,updateUsers 位于 AsyncTask 或类似的内部。
后台线程(IntentService、AsyncTask 等):
* assuming this method is executing on a background thread
private void updateUsers(/* from API call */List<User> serverUsers) {
for(User serverUser : serverUsers){
case 0: //doesn't exist
case 1: //does exist
UserWithShifts localUser = appDatabase.userDao().getOldUserSynchronous(serverUser.getId(), serverUser.getUpdatedAt());
if(localUser != null){ //there is a record that's too old
default: //something happened, log an error
如果在 UI 线程(Activity、Fragment、Service)上运行:
* If you receive the IllegalStateException, try this code
* NOTE: This code is not well architected. I would recommend refactoring if you need to do this to make things more elegant.
* Also, RxJava is better suited to this use case than LiveData, but this may be easier for you to get started with
private void updateUsers(/* from API call */List<User> serverUsers) {
for(User serverUser : serverUsers){
final LiveData<Integer> userExistsLiveData = appDatabase.userDao().userExists(serverUser.getId());
userExistsLiveData.observe(/*activity or fragment*/ context, exists -> {
userExistsLiveData.removeObservers(context); //call this so that this same code block isn't executed again. Remember, observers are fired when the result of the query changes.
case 0: //doesn't exist
case 1: //does exist
final LiveData<UserWithShifts> localUserLiveData = appDatabase.userDao().getOldUser(serverUser.getId(), serverUser.getUpdatedAt());
localUserLiveData.observe(/*activity or fragment*/ context, localUser -> { //this observer won't be called unless the local data is out of date
localUserLiveData.removeObservers(context); //call this so that this same code block isn't executed again. Remember, observers are fired when the result of the query changes.
default: //something happened, log an error
您需要根据您决定使用的任何方法修改 Dao
public interface UserDao{
* LiveData should be chosen for most use cases as running on the main thread will result in the error described on the other method
@Query("SELECT * FROM users")
LiveData<List<UserWithShifts>> getAllUsers();
* If you attempt to call this method on the main thread, you will receive the following error:
* Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Cannot access database on the main thread since it may potentially lock the UI for a long periods of time.
* at android.arch.persistence.room.RoomDatabase.assertNotMainThread(AppDatabase.java:XXX)
* at android.arch.persistence.room.RoomDatabase.query(AppDatabase.java:XXX)
@Query("SELECT * FROM users")
List<UserWithShifts> getAllUsersSynchronous();
@Query("SELECT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = :id)")
LiveData<Integer> userExists(String id);
@Query("SELECT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = :id)")
Integer userExistsSynchronous(String id);
@Query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = :id AND updatedAt < :updatedAt LIMIT 1")
LiveData<UserWithShifts> getOldUser(String id, Long updatedAt);
@Query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = :id AND updatedAt < :updatedAt LIMIT 1")
UserWithShifts getOldUserSynchronous(String id, Long updatedAt);
方法。插入、保存和更新由 Room 同步执行。如果您在主线程上运行任一方法(我猜这是您的错误的来源),您应该创建一个从 appDatabase 返回的 daoWrapper,如下所示:
public class UserDaoWrapper {
private final UserDao userDao;
public UserDaoWrapper(UserDao userDao) {
this.userDao = userDao;
public LiveData<Long[]> insertAsync(UserWithShifts... users){
final MutableLiveData<Long[]> keys = new MutableLiveData<>();
HandlerThread ht = new HandlerThread("");
Handler h = new Handler(ht.getLooper());
h.post(() -> keys.postValue(userDao.insert(users)));
return keys;
public void updateAsync(UserWithShifts...users){
HandlerThread ht = new HandlerThread("");
Handler h = new Handler(ht.getLooper());
h.post(() -> {
public void deleteAsync(User... users){
HandlerThread ht = new HandlerThread("");
Handler h = new Handler(ht.getLooper());
h.post(() -> {
for(User e : users)