I'm writing a subroutine that needs to extract text from files in a directory. The routine is below. It works as long as there is only one file in the directory. When there are more than one, it tells me Set intFSO = intFSO.OpenTextFile(filePath, 1)
line below.
I assume there is something I need to be doing to reset for the next file but I cannot seem to figure out what it is. Any tips?
Sub ExtractEDI(folPath)
Dim sName, fil
Dim intFSO
Dim filePath
Set intFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
For Each fil In fso.GetFolder(folPath).Files
filePath = folpath & "\" & fil.Name
Set intFSO = intFSO.OpenTextFile(filePath, 1)
'will process file here
Set intFSO = Nothing
End Sub
There is more to this script. The routine above is called recursively in order to traverse the sub directories. All of that is working fine.