#A program that allows the user to continuously pick different shapes and calculate their volumes.
#import all functions from the math module.
import math
#allows the user to input the shape they want to calculate the volume of. Then that input is converted to all upper case
#letters so that no matter what the user enters, it will be recognizable by the program.
shape = input("please enter the shapes you want to calculate the volume of from cube, pyramid and ellipsoid, or Quit: ").upper()
#Initializing the lists for the volumes of the three different shapes as empty lists so that it can be filled
#later on.
VolumeListCube = []
VolumeListPyramid =[]
VolumeListEllipsoid = []
#defining the function that will calculate the volume of the cube and then adding them to the empty list VolumeListCube.
def VolumeCube (sideLength):
volume = sideLength**3
#Adding the values to the list
#Sorting the values in the created list in ascending order
#defining the function that will calculate the volume of the pyramid and then adding them to the empty list VolumeListPyramid.
def VolumePyramid (baseLength, height):
volume = round((1/3)*(baseLength**2)*height,1)
#Adding the values to the list
#Sorting the values in the created list in ascending order
#defining the function that will calculate the volume of the ellipsoid and then adding them to the empty list VolumeListEllipsoid.
def VolumeEllipsoid (radius1, radius2, radius3):
volume = round((4/3)*math.pi*radius1*radius2*radius3,1)
#Adding the values to the list
#Sorting the values in the created list in ascending order
#The first while loop here checks if the user immediately inputs "Quit" or not, if they don't, then the next while loop is
#executed, if they do input "Quit", then the program will print the require message.
while shape != "QUIT":
#This is a infinte while loop since true is always true, this allows the error message at the end to be displayed
#and then loop back to the beginning of this loop, so that it can be executed again.
while True:
if shape in ["CUBE","PYRAMID","ELLIPSOID","QUIT"]:
#These if functions will allow the user to input shape parameters depending on what shape the user has chosen, then
#afterwards, another prompt is show for the user to choose another shape and input that shape's parameters. This will
#continue until the user inputs "Quit", then the required message will be printed and the volume results fot all the
#shapes chosen will be displayed in ascending order.
if shape == "CUBE":
sideLength = int(input("Please enter the length of the sides of the cube:"))
#recalling the function that calculates the volume of the cube.
VolumeCube (sideLength)
#lets the user to input another shape they want to calculate the volume of.
shape = input("please enter the shapes you want to calculate the volume of from cube, pyramid and ellipsoid, or Quit: ").upper()
elif shape == "PYRAMID":
baseLength = int(input("Please enter the base length:"))
height = int(input("Please enter the height:"))
# recalling the function that calculates the volume of the pyramid.
VolumePyramid (baseLength, height)
#lets the user to input another shape they want to calculate the volume of.
shape = input("please enter the shapes you want to calculate the volume of from cube, pyramid and ellipsoid, or Quit: ").upper()
elif shape == "ELLIPSOID":
radius1 = int(input("Please enter the first radius:"))
radius2 = int(input("Please enter the second radius:"))
radius3 = int(input("Please enter the third radius:"))
# recalling the function that calculates the volume of the ellipsoid.
VolumeEllipsoid (radius1, radius2, radius3)
#lets the user to input another shape they want to calculate the volume of.
shape = input("please enter the shapes you want to calculate the volume of from cube, pyramid and ellipsoid, or Quit: ").upper()
elif shape == "QUIT":
print ("\nYou have come to the end of the session.\nthe volume calculated for each shape are shown below:\n")
print("The volume of the cube(s) is:", VolumeListCube)
print("The volume of the pyramid(s) is:", VolumeListPyramid)
print("The volume of the ellipsoid(s) is:", VolumeListEllipsoid)
#This exits the program to stop repeated prints that would be caused due to the while loop
print("Error, please enter a valid shape")
shape = input("please enter the shapes you want to calculate the volume of from cube, pyramid and ellipsoid, or Quit: ").upper()
print ("\nYou have come to the end of the session.\nYou have not performed any volume calculations")