I can't import data into my existing database located on mongoDBAtlas. I installed and connected robomongo with mongoDBAtlas for working with atlas.
I created new database jasper and collection User in robomongo then I created user.json file in my project where are stored my data.
I followed tutorial on https://docs.atlas.mongodb.com/import/mongoimport/ - how to use mongoimport with mongodb.
Here is my command, Im typing in terminal:
mongoimport --uri mongodb://Morty:<PASSWORD>@jasper-shard-00-00-mrihb.mongodb.net:27017/jasper?ssl=true&replicaSet=jasper-shard-0&authSource=admin --collection User --drop --file ./src/data/user.json --jsonArray
that give me an error:
[1] 40930
[2] 40931
-bash: --collection: command not found
[2]+ Done replicaSet=jasper-shard-0
KSC1-LMC-K00587:Interview-test-part-one marze$ 2017-10-15T10:38:35.209+0200 no collection specified
2017-10-15T10:38:35.209+0200 using filename '' as collection
2017-10-15T10:38:35.209+0200 error validating settings: invalid collection name: collection name cannot be an empty string
2017-10-15T10:38:35.209+0200 try 'mongoimport --help' for more information
If I run mongoimport for localhost it works perfectly.
Where should be the problem ?