我用“ http://www.jhipster.tech/jdl-studio/ ”创建了一个 jdl 文件,但是当我在我的 jhipster 项目中启动导入时,我遇到了这个错误:

我在 jdl Studio 中没有错误

Using JHipster version installed locally in current project's node_modules
Executing jhipster:import-jdl jhipster-jdl.jh
The jdl is being parsed.
  throw er; // Unhandled 'error' event

Error: ERROR!
Error while parsing entities from JDL

at Environment.error (D:\workspace\yvidya\node_modules\yeoman-environment\lib\environment.js:157:40)
at error (D:\workspace\yvidya\node_modules\generator-jhipster\generators\generator-base.js:1676:18)
at parseJDL (D:\workspace\yvidya\node_modules\generator-jhipster\generators\import-jdl\index.js:105:26)
at Object.<anonymous> (D:\workspace\yvidya\node_modules\yeoman-generator\lib\index.js:399:25)
at D:\workspace\yvidya\node_modules\run-async\index.js:25:25
at D:\workspace\yvidya\node_modules\run-async\index.js:24:19
at self.env.runLoop.add.completed (D:\workspace\yvidya\node_modules\yeoman-generator\lib\index.js:400:11)
at runCallback (timers.js:672:20)
at tryOnImmediate (timers.js:645:5)
at processImmediate [as _immediateCallback] (timers.js:617:5)


entity Entite {
    nom String required maxlength(100),
    numeroLicence String maxlength(30),
    siret String maxlength(15),
    adresse String maxlength(100),
    adresseComplement String maxlength(100),
    codePostal String maxlength(10),
    ville String maxlength(50)

entity TypeEntity {
    nom String required maxlength(30)

entity WebService {
    nom String required maxlength(30),
    methode String required maxlength(10)

entity Profil {
    nom String required maxlength(20)

entity UserFonc {
    nom String required maxlength(30)

entity TypeBon {
    nom String required maxlength(15)

entity NatureBon {
    nom String required maxlength(15)

entity Permission {

entity BonSav {
    uuid String required maxlength(40),
    logicielId String required maxlength(40),
    codeMagasin String maxlength(10),
    numeroFournisseur String maxlength(40),
    codeReparation String required maxlength(10),
    libelleReparation Text required,
    dateDepot ZonedDateTime required,
    dateRetrait ZonedDateTime required,
    codeClient String required maxlength(10),
    nomClient String required maxlength(30),
    prenomClient String required maxlength(20),
    emailClient String maxlength(50),
    telephoneClient String maxlength(20),
    photo Blob,
    dateCreation ZonedDateTime required,
    dateModification ZonedDateTime required

entity Memo {
    titre String required maxlength(200),
    commentaire Text,
    flagTraiter Boolean,
    dateCreation ZonedDateTime required,
    dateModification ZonedDateTime required

relationship ManyToMany {
    Profil{WebService(nom)} to WebService{profil}

relationship ManyToMany {
    WebService{TypeEntity(nom)} to TypeEntity{webService}

relationship ManyToOne {
    Entite{typeEntity(nom)} to TypeEntity

relationship ManyToMany {
    Permission{entite(nom)} to Entite{permission}

relationship ManyToOne {
    Permission{profil(nom)} to Profil

relationship ManyToOne {
    Permission{UserFonc(nom)} to UserFonc

relationship ManyToOne {
    BonSav{entite(nom)} to Entite

relationship ManyToOne {
    BonSav{nature(nom)} to NatureBon

relationship ManyToOne {
    BonSav{type(nom)} to TypeBon

relationship ManyToOne {
    BonSav{destinataire(nom)} to Entite

relationship ManyToOne {
    Entite{entiteMere(nom)} to Entite

relationship ManyToOne {
    Memo{bonSav} to BonSav

relationship ManyToOne {
    Memo{createur(nom)} to UserFonc

relationship ManyToOne {
    Memo{modificateur(nom)} to UserFonc

relationship ManyToOne {
    BonSav{createur(nom)} to UserFonc

relationship ManyToOne {
    BonSav{modificateur(nom)} to UserFonc

// Set pagination options
paginate WebService, Profil, NatureBon, TypeBon with infinite-scroll
paginate Entite, TypeEntity, BonSav, Memo, UserFonc, Permission with pagination

dto * with mapstruct

// Set service options to all except few
service all with serviceImpl


我正在使用 jhipster 4.9.0 并使用函数 import-jdl




2 回答 2


您的两个实体 (MemoBonSav) 使用Text数据类型。这不是有效的 JDL 数据类型。要么使用String要么TextBlob

于 2017-10-11T15:36:23.623 回答


relationship ManyToOne {
    Memo{modificateur(nom)} to UserFonc

relationship ManyToOne {
    BonSav{createur(nom)} to UserFonc

relationship ManyToOne {
    BonSav{modificateur(nom)} to UserFonc

relationship ManyToOne {
    Memo{modificateur(nom)} to UserFonc
    BonSav{createur(nom)} to UserFonc
    BonSav{modificateur(nom)} to UserFonc


于 2018-10-04T00:13:17.000 回答