在 Objective-C 中,我尝试使用这种方法对命令缓冲区进行就地编码。
-(BOOL) encodeToCommandBuffer: (nonnull id <MTLCommandBuffer>)commandBuffer
inPlaceTexture: (__nonnull id <MTLTexture> __strong * __nonnull) texture
fallbackCopyAllocator: (nullable MPSCopyAllocator) copyAllocator
我想创建一个新的 MPSCopyAllocator 。
MPSCopyAllocator myAllocator = ^id <MTLTexture> _Nonnull (MPSKernel * __nonnull filter, __nonnull id <MTLCommandBuffer> cmdBuf, __nonnull id <MTLTexture> sourceTexture)
MTLPixelFormat format = sourceTexture.pixelFormat;
MTLTextureDescriptor *d = [MTLTextureDescriptor texture2DDescriptorWithPixelFormat: format width: sourceTexture.width height: sourceTexture.height mipmapped: NO];
id <MTLTexture> result = [cmdBuf.device newTextureWithDescriptor: d];
return result;
Incompatible block pointer types initializing '__strong MPSCopyAllocator' (aka 'id<MTLTexture> _Nonnull (^__strong)(MPSKernel * _Nonnull __strong, id<MTLCommandBuffer> _Nonnull __strong, id<MTLTexture> _Nonnull __strong)') with an expression of type 'id<MTLTexture> _Nonnull (^)(MPSKernel * _Nonnull __strong, id<MTLCommandBuffer> _Nonnull __strong, id<MTLTexture> _Nonnull __strong)'
MPSCopyAllocator 定义
typedef id <MTLTexture> __nonnull NS_RETURNS_RETAINED (^MPSCopyAllocator)( MPSKernel * __nonnull filter,
id <MTLCommandBuffer> __nonnull commandBuffer,
id <MTLTexture> __nonnull sourceTexture);
创建 MPSCopyAllocator 的正确方法是什么?