I can't figure out why I'm getting this response from express-validator:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
        <meta charset="utf-8">
        <pre>Cannot POST /product</pre>

I'm receiving a formdata request on my server and I'm extracting the file image and the text fields as expected. Then I'm adding the fields extracted to the body of the request object. Then I call the express-validator function to validate the fields. Until this point everything works fine, if I send wrong data to the server, my validator replies with the fields that aren't correct, but if all the fields are correct I get the response mentioned before and I can't figure out why.

This is my validator function:

fieldProduct(req, res, next) {
    req.assert('name', 'Should not be empty').notEmpty();
    req.assert('name', 'Should have 2 to 40 characters').len(2, 40);
    req.assert('price', 'Should not be empty').notEmpty();
    req.assert('price', 'Should be numeric and like this: 12,12 or 1.10').matches(/^[\d]+[\.]{1}[\d]{1,2}/g);
    req.assert('categoryId', 'Should not be empty').notEmpty();
    req.assert('categoryId', 'Should have 10 caracters').len(10, 10);
    var errors = req.validationErrors();
    errors ? res.status(400).json(errors) : next();

And this is the function where I call the validator after I have constructed the body of the request with the fields I had extracted from my formdata:

  product.create = function(req, res, next, callback) {
    console.log("DAO create product ");
    Crud.upload(req, function(status, data, body) {
      if(status == 200) {
        req.body.name = body.name[0];
        req.body.brand = body.brand[0];
        req.body.description = body.description[0];
        req.body.categoryId = body.categoryId[0];
        req.body.price = Number(body.price[0]);

        validate.fieldProduct(req, res, next);

        if(!req.validationErrors()) {
          var object = req.body;
          object.imageFile = data;
          Crud.create(object, Product, constructProduct, function(status, data) {
            callback(status, data);
        } else {
      } else {
        callback(status, data);

I also noticed that besides I get that response, my code keeps running and in the database the data is created as expected.


1 回答 1


您看到的消息是 Express 在next()调用时返回的默认错误消息,但链中没有其他路由或中间件处理程序。我不相信这是验证器的问题。


我建议添加一个通用的 404 处理程序来确认正在发生的事情:https ://expressjs.com/en/starter/faq.html#how-do-i-handle-404-responses

于 2017-10-08T23:24:14.780 回答