I have a csv file something like this
RT @CritCareMed: New Article: Male-Predominant Plasma Transfusion Strategy for Preventing Transfusion-Related Acute Lung Injury... htp://…
#CRISPR Inversion of CTCF Sites Alters Genome Topology & Enhancer/Promoter Function in @CellCellPress htp://.co/HrjDwbm7NN
RT @gvwilson: Where's the theory for software engineering? Behind a paywall, that's where. htp://.co/1t3TymiF3M #semat #fail
RT @sciencemagazine: What’s killing off the sea stars? htp://.co/J19FnigwM9 #ecology
RT @MHendr1cks: Eve Marder describes a horror that is familiar to worm connectome gazers. htp://.co/AEqc7NOWoR via @nucAmbiguous htp://…
I want to extract all the mentions (starting with '@') from the tweet text. So far I have done this
import pandas as pd
import re
mydata = pd.read_csv("C:/Users/file.csv")
X = mydata.ix[:,:]
X=X.iloc[:,:1] #I have multiple columns so I'm selecting the first column only that is 'text'
for i in range(X.shape[0]):
result = re.findall("(^|[^@\w])@(\w{1,25})", str(X.iloc[:i,:]))
There are two problems here:
First: at str(X.iloc[:1,:])
it gives me ['CritCareMed']
which is not ok as it should give me ['CellCellPress']
, and at str(X.iloc[:2,:])
it again gives me ['CritCareMed']
which is of course not fine again. The final result I'm getting is
[(' ', 'CritCareMed'), (' ', 'gvwilson'), (' ', 'sciencemagazine')]
It doesn't include the mentions in 2nd row and both two mentions in last row. What I want should look something like this:
How can I achieve these results? this is just a sample data my original data has lots of tweets so is the approach ok?