我正在尝试将 JSON 行格式的产品列表与另一个文件中的产品也以 JSON 格式匹配。这有时称为记录链接、实体解析、参考协调或仅匹配。
目标是将来自第三方零售商的产品列表(例如“Nikon D90 12.3MP Digital SLR Camera (Body Only)”)与一组已知产品(例如“Nikon D90”)进行匹配。
"product_name": String // A unique id for the product
"manufacturer": String
"family": String // optional grouping of products
"model": String
"announced-date": String // ISO-8601 formatted date string, e.g. 2011-04-28T19:00:00.000-05:00
"title": String // description of product for sale
"manufacturer": String // who manufactures the product for sale
"currency": String // currency code, e.g. USD, CAD, GBP, etc.
"price": String // price, e.g. 19.99, 100.00
"product_name": String
"listings": Array[Listing]
数据 包含两个文件: products.txt – 包含大约 700 个产品列表。txt – 包含大约 20,000 个产品列表
import jsonlines
import json
import re
import logging, sys
logging.basicConfig(stream=sys.stderr, level=logging.DEBUG)
with jsonlines.open('products.jsonl') as products:
for prod in products:
jdump = json.dumps(prod)
jload = json.loads(jdump)
regpat = re.compile("^\s+|\s*-| |_\s*|\s+$")
prodmatch = [x for x in regpat.split(jload["product_name"].lower()) if x]
manumatch = [x for x in regpat.split(jload["manufacturer"].lower()) if x]
modelmatch = [x for x in regpat.split(jload["model"].lower()) if x]
wordmatch = prodmatch + manumatch + modelmatch
#print (wordmatch)
#logging.debug('product first output')
with jsonlines.open('listings.jsonl') as listings:
for entry in listings:
jdump2 = json.dumps(entry)
jload2 = json.loads(jdump2)
wordmatch2 = [x for x in regpat.split(jload2["title"].lower()) if x]
#print (wordmatch2)
#logging.debug('listing first output')
contained = [x for x in wordmatch2 if x in wordmatch]
if contained:
#logging.debug('contained first match')