我想用 VHDL 实现一个 SR 触发器。我为触发器和测试平台编写了代码。但是测试台无法正确编译并给出我无法弄清楚的错误。我正在使用ghdl进行编译。请帮忙。
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
entity sr_flipflop is
s,r,clock: in std_logic;
q,qbar: inout std_logic
end sr_flipflop;
architecture arc of sr_flipflop is
signal x,y: std_logic;
process (clock,s,r) begin
x<=r and clock;
y<=s and clock;
q<=qbar nor x after 10 ns;
qbar<=q nor y after 10 ns;
end process;
process (x,y) begin
q<=qbar nor x after 5 ns;
qbar<=q nor y after 5 ns;
end process;
end architecture arc;
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
entity sr_flipflop_tb is
end entity sr_flipflop_tb;
architecture arc of sr_flipflop is
component sr_flipflop is
s,r,clock: in std_logic;
q,qbar: inout std_logic
end component sr_flipflop;
signal clock:std_logic:='0';
signal s,r:std_logic;
signal q:std_logic:='0';
signal qbar:std_logic:='1';
constant half_period:time:=30 ns;
port_map:sr_flipflop port map(clock=>clock,s=>s,r=>r,q=>q,qbar=>qbar);
process begin
clock <= not clock after half_period;
end process;
process begin
s<='0' after 40 ns;
r<='1' after 40 ns;
s<='1' after 80 ns;
r<='0' after 80 ns;
s<='1' after 120 ns;
r<='1' after 120 ns;
end process;
end architecture arc;
第一个文件编译没有错误,但是当我在 cmd 中给出以下命令时,
ghdl -a sr_flipflop_tb.vhd
sr_flipflop_tb.vhd:16:15: identifier 'clock' already used for a declaration
sr_flipflop.vhd:7:20: previous declaration: port "clock"
sr_flipflop_tb.vhd:17:15: identifier 's' already used for a declaration
sr_flipflop.vhd:7:16: previous declaration: port "s"
sr_flipflop_tb.vhd:17:17: identifier 'r' already used for a declaration
sr_flipflop.vhd:7:18: previous declaration: port "r"
sr_flipflop_tb.vhd:18:15: identifier 'q' already used for a declaration
sr_flipflop.vhd:8:16: previous declaration: port "q"
sr_flipflop_tb.vhd:19:15: identifier 'qbar' already used for a declaration
sr_flipflop.vhd:8:18: previous declaration: port "qbar"
sr_flipflop_tb.vhd:26:16: port "clock" can't be assigned
sr_flipflop_tb.vhd:29:16: port "s" can't be assigned
sr_flipflop_tb.vhd:30:16: port "r" can't be assigned
sr_flipflop_tb.vhd:32:16: port "s" can't be assigned
sr_flipflop_tb.vhd:33:16: port "r" can't be assigned
sr_flipflop_tb.vhd:35:16: port "s" can't be assigned
sr_flipflop_tb.vhd:36:16: port "r" can't be assigned
sr_flipflop_tb.vhd:38:16: port "s" can't be assigned
sr_flipflop_tb.vhd:39:16: port "r" can't be assigned