我在 64 位 PC 上使用 Windows 10。最近,我开始在 Windows 上使用 VS Code 和 Ubuntu Bash。除了掉毛,一切都很好。我试图让它与 pylint 和 pep8 一起工作,但它们都不起作用。我认为问题是由于 linter 的位置引起的。但是,我不知道如何解决这个问题。您可以检查我的 pylint 设置:
// Whether to lint Python files using pylint.
"python.linting.pylintEnabled": true,
// Severity of Pylint message type 'Convention/C'.
"python.linting.pylintCategorySeverity.convention": "Information",
// Severity of Pylint message type 'Refactor/R'.
"python.linting.pylintCategorySeverity.refactor": "Hint",
// Severity of Pylint message type 'Warning/W'.
"python.linting.pylintCategorySeverity.warning": "Warning",
// Severity of Pylint message type 'Error/E'.
"python.linting.pylintCategorySeverity.error": "Error",
// Severity of Pylint message type 'Fatal/F'.
"python.linting.pylintCategorySeverity.fatal": "Error",
// Path to Pylint, you can use a custom version of pylint by modifying this
// setting to include the full path.
"python.linting.pylintPath": "pylint",
// Arguments passed in. Each argument is a separate item in the array.
"python.linting.pylintArgs": [],