我正在使用 JuliaPro v0.6.0.1 和 JunoIDE,我尝试应用 DifferentialEquations.jl。为了运行第一个示例,我添加了包差分方程,后跟 using 语句。在下一步中,我复制了第一个示例:
f(t,u) = 1.01*u
tspan = (0.0,1.0)
prob = ODEProblem(f,u0,tspan)
sol = solve(prob,Tsit5(),reltol=1e-8,abstol=1e-8)
using Plots
plot(sol,linewidth=5,title="Solution to the linear ODE with a thick line",
xaxis="Time (t)",yaxis="u(t) (in μm)",label="My Thick Line!") # legend=false
plot!(sol.t, t->0.5*exp(1.01t),lw=3,ls=:dash,label="True Solution!")
UndefVarError: ODEProblem not defined
此外,我在以下内容之后立即收到警告:using DifferentialEquations statement
WARNING: The call to compilecache failed to create a usable precompiled cache file for module StochasticDiffEq. Got:
WARNING: Module Iterators uuid did not match cache file.
> LoadError: Declaring __precompile__(true) is only allowed in module files being imported.
我不明白。然而,最后一个警告涉及 StochasticDiffEq,而我正在应用一个普通微分方程问题。