
%Variables and Contants

var rfirstmark : real
var rsecondmark : real
var rthirdmark : real
var rfirsthigh : real
var rsecondhigh : real
var rthirdhigh : real
var raverage : real
const camount := 2


put "Enter the first mark."
get rfirstmark
put ""

put "Enter the second mark."
get rsecondmark
put ""

put "Enter the third mark."
get rthirdmark
put ""


if rfirstmark > rsecondmark then
    if rfirstmark > rthirdmark then
        rfirsthigh := rfirstmark
    end if
end if

if rfirstmark > rthirdmark then
    if rfirstmark > rsecondmark then
        rfirsthigh := rfirstmark
    end if
end if

if rfirstmark < rsecondmark then
    if rfirstmark > rthirdmark then
        rsecondhigh := rfirstmark
    end if
end if

if rfirstmark < rthirdmark then
    if rfirstmark > rsecondmark then
        rsecondhigh := rfirstmark
    end if
end if

if rfirstmark < rsecondmark then
    if rfirstmark < rthirdmark then
        rthirdhigh := rfirstmark
    end if
end if

if rfirstmark < rthirdmark then
    if rfirstmark < rsecondmark then
        rthirdhigh := rfirstmark
    end if
end if

if rsecondmark > rfirstmark then
    if rsecondmark > rthirdmark then
        rfirsthigh := rsecondmark
    end if
end if

if rsecondmark > rthirdmark then
    if rsecondmark > rfirstmark then
        rfirsthigh := rsecondmark
    end if
end if

if rsecondmark < rfirstmark then
    if rsecondmark > rthirdmark then
        rsecondhigh := rsecondmark
    end if
end if

if rsecondmark < rthirdmark then
    if rsecondmark > rfirstmark then
        rsecondhigh := rsecondmark
    end if
end if

if rsecondmark < rfirstmark then
    if rsecondmark < rthirdmark then
        rthirdhigh := rsecondmark
    end if
end if

if rsecondmark < rthirdmark then
    if rsecondmark < rfirstmark then
        rthirdhigh := rsecondmark
    end if
end if

if rthirdmark > rfirstmark then
    if rthirdmark > rsecondmark then
        rfirsthigh := rthirdmark
    end if
end if

if rthirdmark > rsecondmark then
    if rthirdmark > rfirstmark then
        rfirsthigh := rthirdmark
    end if
end if

if rthirdmark < rfirstmark then
    if rthirdmark > rsecondmark then
        rsecondhigh := rthirdmark
    end if
end if

if rthirdmark < rsecondmark then
    if rthirdmark > rfirstmark then
        rsecondhigh := rthirdmark
    end if
end if

if rthirdmark < rfirstmark then
    if rthirdmark < rsecondmark then
        rthirdhigh := rthirdmark
    end if
end if

if rthirdmark < rsecondmark then
    if rthirdmark < rfirstmark then
        rthirdhigh := rthirdmark
    end if
end if

raverage := (rfirsthigh + rsecondhigh) / camount


put "The average of the two highest marks is " ..
put raverage



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