<div id=checkout>
<form id="confirmation" class="center">

我已经#checkout form.center使用了一个 CSS 选择器

我想专门为确认表覆盖它,但我尝试写的东西都没有得到应用。我应该认为#confirmation form.center或​​者某些东西应该取代第一条规则,但它甚至似乎没有达到目标。#confirmation被上面提到的选择器覆盖,因为它不是那么具体。


2 回答 2


Expanding on BoltClock's answer:

Each CSS selector has a specificity value. For each element, in case of a conflict for the value of one of its properties, the rule with highest specificity takes precedence. Generally, the more and better information in a CSS selector, the greater its specificity.

For this reason, adding something appropriate to your existing selector (#checkout form.center) will enable you to override it:

#checkout form.center {
  /* your existing CSS */

#checkout #confirmation {
  /* your overrides; this has higher specificity */

#checkout form#confirmation {
  /* this would also work -- even higher specificity */

#checkout form#confirmation.center {
  /* even higher */

#checkout form.center p {
  /* works inside the p only, but also has
     greater specificity than #checkout form.center  */
于 2011-01-11T04:30:25.983 回答


#checkout #confirmation

#confirmation form.center不起作用的原因是因为它选择form.center了位于元素#confirmation元素,这是不一样的。你会这样写:

#checkout form#confirmation.center


于 2011-01-11T03:56:16.120 回答