在 VBS 2015 中,我创建了一个表单,该表单使用 LINQ 查询来导入名称、位置、年龄等的 CSV 文件,并使用唯一记录进行排序。数据被输入到数据网格中,然后可以通过从 MenuStrip 中选择按钮进行过滤和排序。使用 LINQ 查询进行排序和过滤的过程非常简单;数组可以按升序或降序排序,也可以按字段之一排序。如果该字段与查询匹配,则整个记录(五个字段)将显示在数据网格中。




通过为每个过滤器/排序组合编写单独的查询,我想出了一个非常冗长和复杂的方法。每次选择一个按钮时,都会使用基于 mnuButton.Checked = True/False 布尔值的 If 块评估另一个菜单的检查值,然后运行并显示相应的查询。

这是我在按下某个过滤器按钮时执行的代码的示例。这个 sub 应该检查是否已经选择了一个排序按钮,然后,基于此,运行返回相同过滤结果的两个查询之一,只是按升序或降序排列。

Private Sub mnuFilterEurope_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles mnuFilterEurope.Click

Dim memberinfo() As String = File.ReadAllLines("easterndiv_mission.txt")
Dim n = memberinfo.Count - 1
ReDim Missionaries(n) 'this is based on a structure defined outside this sub
Dim line As String
Dim data(5) As String
For i As Integer = 0 To n
  line = memberinfo(i)
  data = line.Split(","c)
  Missionaries(i).Last = data(0)
  Missionaries(i).First = data(1)
  Missionaries(i).State = data(2)
  Missionaries(i).Age = CInt(data(3))
  Missionaries(i).ServiceYears = CInt(data(4))
  Missionaries(i).Location = data(5) 'this is the field the 'filter' query will be evaluating.
'if the 'ascending' button is selected, format the results in ascending order
If mnuSortAscending.Selected = True Then
  checkEurope() ' this references a sub procedure that selects the pressed button and deselects the other four in the menu.
  Dim populationQuery = From entry In Missionaries
                        Where entry.Location = "Europe"
                        Order By entry.Last
                        Select entry.Last, entry.First, entry.State, entry.Age, entry.ServiceYears, entry.Location
  If populationQuery.Count() > 0 Then 'check that results will be returned
    dgvOutput.DataSource = populationQuery.ToList
    dgvOutput.CurrentCell = Nothing
    MessageBox.Show("No results found")
    Exit Sub
  End If
  'if the 'descending' button is selected, format the results in descending order
  Dim populationQuery = From entry In Missionaries
                        Where entry.Location = "Europe"
                        Order By entry.Last Descending
                        Select entry.Last, entry.First, entry.State, entry.Age, entry.ServiceYears, entry.Location
  If populationQuery.Count() > 0 Then
    dgvOutput.DataSource = populationQuery.ToList
    dgvOutput.CurrentCell = Nothing
  End If
End If
End Sub



在此先感谢您的帮助,对于任何不清楚和这个问题的不公平之处,我提前道歉......我只使用 VB 几个星期。


1 回答 1


您的目标是在If mnuSortAscending.Selected分支中没有与应用Order By entry.LastOrder By entry.Last Descending. 正如您所说,这是保持代码可维护性的必要目标。所以任务是把每一个被复制的东西移动到一个地方,无论是之前还是之后If

checkEurope() ' this references a sub procedure that selects the pressed button and deselects the other four in the menu.
Dim populationQuery = From entry In Missionaries
                      Where entry.Location = "Europe"

'if the 'ascending' button is selected, format the results in ascending order
If mnuSortAscending.Selected = True Then
   populationQuery = From entry In populationQuery
                     Order By entry.Last
   populationQuery = From entry In populationQuery
                     Order By entry.Last Descending
End If

populationQuery = From entry In populationQuery
                  Select entry.Last, entry.First, entry.State, entry.Age, entry.ServiceYears, entry.Location

If populationQuery.Count() > 0 Then 'check that results will be returned
  dgvOutput.DataSource = populationQuery.ToList
  dgvOutput.CurrentCell = Nothing
  MessageBox.Show("No results found")
  Exit Sub
End If


如果你想更简洁,= Trueis 一个空操作(在已经是布尔值的东西上),所以你可以把它排除在外。此外,LINQ 只是常规 VB 方法调用的语法糖。From entry In populationQuery Order By entry.Last与 相同populationQuery.OrderBy(Function (entry) entry.Last)

If mnuSortAscending.Selected Then
   populationQuery = populationQuery.OrderBy(Function (entry) entry.Last)
   populationQuery = populationQuery.OrderByDescending(Function (entry) entry.Last)
End If

If最后,您可以通过将其从语句形式转换为表达式形式(三元运算符)来将重复减少到更进一步的极端,对进行重复数据删除populationQuery =

populationQuery = If(mnuSortAscending.Selected,
    populationQuery.OrderBy(Function (entry) entry.Last),
    populationQuery.OrderByDescending(Function (entry) entry.Last))
于 2017-10-02T19:51:07.430 回答