I was developing an iOS app under my personal account and so far used Xcode's automatic signing feature for app provisioning. I now transferred the app to another organization that I'm not part of, but they want me to continue developing the app. They made my personal account where the app once was an "app manager" in their account for that particular app.

Now I'd like to submit an update for the app, but automatic signing does not work anymore. I get the error "Failed to create provisioning profile: the app ID cannot be registered to your development team", which is understandable since the app ID moved to the organization's account. I cannot have access to the organization's account since there are other apps there.

I'm sure there must be a way in such a scenario that I can continue uploading app updates for their account?


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您应该要求一个组织(谁/那个现在拥有您的/这个应用程序)在他们的 Apple 开发者帐户中将您添加为“团队成员”。团队成员只能使用开发环境。它只能为开发目的创建配置和证书。团队成员无权更新/更改开发者帐户中的任何其他选项。


以下是有关用户角色的更多详细信息: 团队权限


如果你有自己的苹果开发者账号,那么你可以创建新的AppID、Bundle Identifier(临时开发使用)或Wild Card Identifier(我推荐使用Wild Card Identifier)来开发这个应用程序。

但是,如果您想在 App Store 上上传/分发应用程序/更新,那么您必须拥有“团队管理员”“团队代理”权限。而且我认为您的组织可能不允许您担任相同的角色。但是他们可以共享您的 .p12 用于分发配置文件(证书或配置文件),您可以使用它在应用商店分发应用程序,而无需使用开发人员帐户。

我建议并推荐,使用 .p12 配置文件分发您的应用程序

于 2017-10-02T10:00:17.513 回答