类,可从 IBM 站点 ( http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg24028788 ) 获得,您可以在消息顶部找到此类的列表。
因此,我的 webapp 使用单个用户与 Content Engine 通信(是的,单个 'ce_user' 和 'passw123')。CeConnection
您能否解释一下在我的 Vaadin webapp 中为每个用户会话使用此类的良好做法和好方法(vaadin 的入口点 - AppMain.java 类可以有CeConnection
1. When the webapp starts I establish connection:
void init() { // this is vaadins entry point
ceConnection = new CeConnection();
2. Create new CeConnection for every request to Content Engine. like:
Document getDoc(String id) {
CeConnection ceConnection = new CeConnection(...)
try {
ceConnection.establish(); // (contains UserContext.pushSubject)
...get data from CE....
} finally {
ceConenction.logofMethod(); (contains UserContext.popSubject)
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package cesample;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Vector;
import javax.security.auth.Subject;
import com.filenet.api.collection.ObjectStoreSet;
import com.filenet.api.core.Connection;
import com.filenet.api.core.Domain;
import com.filenet.api.core.Factory;
import com.filenet.api.core.ObjectStore;
import com.filenet.api.util.UserContext;
* This object represents the connection with
* the Content Engine. Once connection is established
* it intializes Domain and ObjectStoreSet with
* available Domain and ObjectStoreSet.
public class CEConnection
private Connection con;
private Domain dom;
private String domainName;
private ObjectStoreSet ost;
private Vector osnames;
private boolean isConnected;
private UserContext uc;
* constructor
public CEConnection()
con = null;
uc = UserContext.get();
dom = null;
domainName = null;
ost = null;
osnames = new Vector();
isConnected = false;
* Establishes connection with Content Engine using
* supplied username, password, JAAS stanza and CE Uri.
public void establishConnection(String userName, String password, String stanza, String uri)
con = Factory.Connection.getConnection(uri);
Subject sub = UserContext.createSubject(con,userName,password,stanza);
dom = fetchDomain();
domainName = dom.get_Name();
ost = getOSSet();
isConnected = true;
* Returns Domain object.
public Domain fetchDomain()
dom = Factory.Domain.fetchInstance(con, null, null);
return dom;
* Returns ObjectStoreSet from Domain
public ObjectStoreSet getOSSet()
ost = dom.get_ObjectStores();
return ost;
* Returns vector containing ObjectStore
* names from object stores available in
* ObjectStoreSet.
public Vector getOSNames()
Iterator it = ost.iterator();
ObjectStore os = (ObjectStore) it.next();
return osnames;
* Checks whether connection has established
* with the Content Engine or not.
public boolean isConnected()
return isConnected;
* Returns ObjectStore object for supplied
* object store name.
public ObjectStore fetchOS(String name)
ObjectStore os = Factory.ObjectStore.fetchInstance(dom, name, null);
return os;
* Returns the domain name.
public String getDomainName()
return domainName;
我想知道,如果两个客户端几乎同时调用 servlet 方法,而一个客户端首先调用 PopSubject,会发生什么?com.filenet.api.util.UserContext 类是线程安全的吗?
public String getDocumentNumber(String id) {
try {
} finally {
//com.filenet.api.util.UserContext 类
public static UserContext get() {
UserContext cntx = (UserContext)tl.get();
if(cntx == null) {
cntx = new UserContext();
return cntx;
public synchronized void pushSubject(Subject sub) {
if(sub == null) {
throw new EngineRuntimeException(ExceptionCode.E_NULL_OR_INVALID_PARAM_VALUE, "Subject");
} else {
public synchronized Subject popSubject() {
return this.subjects.isEmpty()?null:(Subject)this.subjects.remove(this.subjects.size() - 1);