I'm starting to make some test with .NET 4 / WPF. I made a local database with a table called "Fournisseurs".

Then I created a WPF form, with a DataGrid in it.

Then I wanted to bind my table to it. But I can't find how to make it.

I read some tutorials about binding DataSet to DataGrid but I can't find any guide showing how to create a DataSet from my local database...

Any ideas or tips please?


1 回答 1


您将需要查看LINQ-to-Entities以附加到您的本地数据库实例。这样做,您将获得数据的对象表示,然后您可以轻松地将其绑定到 DataGrid。

于 2011-01-10T21:10:33.243 回答