如果要调用最近祖先的构造函数,可以使用 class_parents 循环遍历祖先,并使用method_exists检查它是否具有构造函数。如果是,则调用构造函数;如果没有,请继续搜索下一个最近的祖先。您不仅可以防止覆盖父级的构造函数,还可以防止覆盖其他祖先的构造函数(如果父级没有构造函数):
class Queue extends SplQueue {
public function __construct() {
echo 'before';
// loops through all ancestors
foreach(class_parents($this) as $ancestor) {
// check if constructor has been defined
if(method_exists($ancestor, "__construct")) {
// execute constructor of ancestor
// exit loop if constructor is defined
// this avoids calling the same constructor twice
// e.g. when the parent's constructor already
// calls the grandparent's constructor
echo 'I have made it after the parent constructor call';
编辑的 PHP 代码的函数:
// define function to be used within various classes
function get_parent_construct($obj) {
// loop through all ancestors
foreach(class_parents($obj) as $ancestor) {
// check if constructor has been defined
if(method_exists($ancestor, "__construct")) {
// return PHP code (call of ancestor's constructor)
// this will automatically break the loop
return $ancestor."::__construct();";
class Queue extends SplQueue {
public function __construct() {
echo 'before';
// execute the string returned by the function
// eval doesn't throw errors if nothing is returned
echo 'I have made it after the parent constructor call';
// another class to show code reuse
class AnotherChildClass extends AnotherParentClass {
public function __construct() {