我想在 Python 中从 Poloniex 获取关于 BTC 到 USD 的整个交易历史。我已经输入了我的密钥和秘密。我有如下代码:

import urllib
import urllib2
import json
import time
import hmac,hashlib

def createTimeStamp(datestr, format="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"):
    return time.mktime(time.strptime(datestr, format))

class poloniex:
    def __init__(self, APIKey, Secret):
        self.APIKey = APIKey
        self.Secret = Secret

    def post_process(self, before):
        after = before

        # Add timestamps if there isnt one but is a datetime
        if('return' in after):
            if(isinstance(after['return'], list)):
                for x in xrange(0, len(after['return'])):
                    if(isinstance(after['return'][x], dict)):
                        if('datetime' in after['return'][x] and 'timestamp' not in after['return'][x]):
                            after['return'][x]['timestamp'] = float(createTimeStamp(after['return'][x]['datetime']))

        return after

    def api_query(self, command, req={}):

        if(command == "returnTicker" or command == "return24Volume"):
            ret = urllib2.urlopen(urllib2.Request('https://poloniex.com/public?command=' + command))
            return json.loads(ret.read())
        elif(command == "returnOrderBook"):
            ret = urllib2.urlopen(urllib2.Request('https://poloniex.com/public?command=' + command + '&currencyPair=' + str(req['currencyPair'])))
            return json.loads(ret.read())
        elif(command == "returnMarketTradeHistory"):
            ret = urllib2.urlopen(urllib2.Request('https://poloniex.com/public?command=' + "returnTradeHistory" + '&currencyPair=' + str(req['currencyPair'])))
            return json.loads(ret.read())
            req['command'] = command
            req['nonce'] = int(time.time()*1000)
            post_data = urllib.urlencode(req)

            sign = hmac.new(self.Secret, post_data, hashlib.sha512).hexdigest()
            headers = {
                'Sign': sign,
                'Key': self.APIKey

            ret = urllib2.urlopen(urllib2.Request('https://poloniex.com/tradingApi', post_data, headers))
            jsonRet = json.loads(ret.read())
            return self.post_process(jsonRet)

    def returnTicker(self):
        return self.api_query("returnTicker")

    def return24Volume(self):
        return self.api_query("return24Volume")

    def returnOrderBook (self, currencyPair):
        return self.api_query("returnOrderBook", {'currencyPair': currencyPair})

    def returnMarketTradeHistory (self, currencyPair):
        return self.api_query("returnMarketTradeHistory", {'currencyPair': currencyPair})

    # Returns all of your balances.
    # Outputs: 
    # {"BTC":"0.59098578","LTC":"3.31117268", ... }
    def returnBalances(self):
        return self.api_query('returnBalances')

    # Returns your open orders for a given market, specified by the "currencyPair" POST parameter, e.g. "BTC_XCP"
    # Inputs:
    # currencyPair  The currency pair e.g. "BTC_XCP"
    # Outputs: 
    # orderNumber   The order number
    # type          sell or buy
    # rate          Price the order is selling or buying at
    # Amount        Quantity of order
    # total         Total value of order (price * quantity)
    def returnOpenOrders(self,currencyPair):
        return self.api_query('returnOpenOrders',{"currencyPair":currencyPair})

    # Returns your trade history for a given market, specified by the "currencyPair" POST parameter
    # Inputs:
    # currencyPair  The currency pair e.g. "BTC_XCP"
    # Outputs: 
    # date          Date in the form: "2014-02-19 03:44:59"
    # rate          Price the order is selling or buying at
    # amount        Quantity of order
    # total         Total value of order (price * quantity)
    # type          sell or buy
    def returnTradeHistory(self,currencyPair):
        return self.api_query('returnTradeHistory',{"currencyPair":currencyPair})

    # Places a buy order in a given market. Required POST parameters are "currencyPair", "rate", and "amount". If successful, the method will return the order number.
    # Inputs:
    # currencyPair  The curreny pair
    # rate          price the order is buying at
    # amount        Amount of coins to buy
    # Outputs: 
    # orderNumber   The order number
    def buy(self,currencyPair,rate,amount):
        return self.api_query('buy',{"currencyPair":currencyPair,"rate":rate,"amount":amount})

    # Places a sell order in a given market. Required POST parameters are "currencyPair", "rate", and "amount". If successful, the method will return the order number.
    # Inputs:
    # currencyPair  The curreny pair
    # rate          price the order is selling at
    # amount        Amount of coins to sell
    # Outputs: 
    # orderNumber   The order number
    def sell(self,currencyPair,rate,amount):
        return self.api_query('sell',{"currencyPair":currencyPair,"rate":rate,"amount":amount})

    # Cancels an order you have placed in a given market. Required POST parameters are "currencyPair" and "orderNumber".
    # Inputs:
    # currencyPair  The curreny pair
    # orderNumber   The order number to cancel
    # Outputs: 
    # succes        1 or 0
    def cancel(self,currencyPair,orderNumber):
        return self.api_query('cancelOrder',{"currencyPair":currencyPair,"orderNumber":orderNumber})

    # Immediately places a withdrawal for a given currency, with no email confirmation. In order to use this method, the withdrawal privilege must be enabled for your API key. Required POST parameters are "currency", "amount", and "address". Sample output: {"response":"Withdrew 2398 NXT."} 
    # Inputs:
    # currency      The currency to withdraw
    # amount        The amount of this coin to withdraw
    # address       The withdrawal address
    # Outputs: 
    # response      Text containing message about the withdrawal
    def withdraw(self, currency, amount, address):
        return self.api_query('withdraw',{"currency":currency, "amount":amount, "address":address})

polo = poloniex('my_key', 'my_security')



但我得到空数组[],我不知道为什么?您能否告诉我如何获取此交易历史并获取有关 BTC 到 USD 的信息,因为 BTC_USD 之类的东西不起作用。


1 回答 1

  1. 确保您可以使用浏览器打开 returnTradeHistory-call ( https://poloniex.com/public?command=returnTradeHistory¤cyPair=BTC_ETH ) 如果您的浏览器显示最近的交易历史,一切都很好。如果您需要完成验证码,您的 IP 地址将被阻止/标记。如果您每次打开网站都需要完成验证码,则需要联系支持人员。

  2. Poloniex 不支持将加密货币兑换成法定货币,因此您无法找到直接兑换 BTC_USD 之类的东西。你需要从另一个站点获取交换比率。

  3. 您正在使用的函数 ( returnTradeHistory ) 返回您的个人历史记录。如果您还没有交易任何东西,它将是空的。如果要获取全球交易历史,需要使用returnMarketTradeHistory

于 2017-10-13T22:18:46.533 回答