Rocket 网站上的指南建议可以对动态路线进行排名。该示例使用不同类型的动态部分作为路由的匹配条件。当我将 url 与 a 以外的任何内容一起放置时usize,我收到以下错误:

GET /user/three text/html:
    => Matched: GET /user/<id>
    => Failed to parse 'id': RawStr("three")
    => Outcome: Forward
    => Error: No matching routes for GET /user/three text/html.
    => Warning: Responding with 404 Not Found catcher.
    => Response succeeded.



extern crate rocket;
use rocket::http::RawStr;

fn user(id: usize) -> String { format!("First rank") }

#[get("/user/<id>", rank = 2)]
fn user_int(id: isize) -> String { format!("second rank") }

#[get("/user/<id>", rank = 3)]
fn user_str(id: &RawStr) -> String { format!("last rank") }

fn main() {
    rocket::ignite().mount("/", routes![user]).launch();

我希望在显示测试时不是404 error一个页面。为什么不这样做?/user/threelast rank


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Rocket 不知道您的路线,除非您告诉它

fn main() {
    rocket::ignite().mount("/", routes![user, user_int, user_str]).launch();
    //                                      ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
于 2017-09-29T13:57:06.610 回答