Some PHP example to Insert and update data:
// Connect to database
// If you work with UTF-8 it would be a good idea to set the character set as well to be sure.
// Insert new data
$MyURL = mysql_real_escape_string("");
$Result = mysql_query("INSERT INTO ProductTable (URLField) VALUES ('".$MyURL."')");
print mysql_affected_rows();
// Update existing data
$MyURL = mysql_real_escape_string("");
$RecordID = 123;
$Result = mysql_query("UPDATE ProductTable SET URLField='".$MyURL."' WHERE ID=".$RecordID);
print mysql_affected_rows();
Connect to the MySQL Server with mysql_connect() and use mysql_select_db() to select the database.
I'm not native English and use UTF-8 to get all the special character correct. If you have no need of this you can ignore this line.
All data that goes into a SQL server should be be sanitized, meaning escaping control characters such as quotes. The Variable $MyURL is sanitized with mysql_real_escape_string() before it is used in the SQL statement.
The SQL statement is executed with mysql_query() and returns true or false (for INSERT and UPDATE statements). With mysql_affected_rows() you can see how many rows that was affected by the SQL statement, a way to see if it worked as expected.
Next comes an UPDATE example to change data in a single column and/or row. The $RecordID variable is the record ID you want to update (you need to know what record you want to update). This example is pinpointing a single record. By changing the WHERE clausule you can update a whole bunch of rows at the same time. For example
UPDATE ProductTable SET URLField='".$MyURL."' WHERE URLField=''
...will update all rows that have '' in the field URLField.
I think this will get you going for a while...