我有这个方法 Verify_X,它在数据绑定期间为列表框选定值调用。问题是强类型数据源。我想使用抽象类 BaseDataSource 或接口来调用支持的方法:Parameters[] 和 Select(),而不是使用如下所示的最具体的实现。



public class DseDataSource : ProviderDataSource<SCCS.BLL.Dse, DseKey>

public abstract class ProviderDataSource<Entity, EntityKey> : BaseDataSource<Entity, EntityKey>, ILinkedDataSource, IListDataSource
    where Entity : SCCS.BLL.IEntityId<EntityKey>, new()
    where EntityKey : SCCS.BLL.IEntityKey, new()

public abstract class BaseDataSource<Entity, EntityKey> : DataSourceControl, IListDataSource, IDataSourceEvents
    where Entity : new()
    where EntityKey : new()

BaseDataSource 具有我需要的方法和属性。DseDataSource 的实现方式如下:

public class DseDataSource : ProviderDataSource<SCCS.BLL.Dse, DseKey>

我知道可以编辑 DseDataSource 类,添加一个接口来访问 Parameters[] 和 Select(),然后针对它进行编程,这允许我想要的,但这需要编辑 NetTiers 库,我很想知道这是否可以做到,因为它看起来很困难。

    public static string Verify_DSE(string valueToBind, DseDataSource dataSource)
        if (ListContainsValue(dataSource.GetEntityList(), valueToBind)) return valueToBind;
        CustomParameter p = dataSource.Parameters["WhereClause"] as CustomParameter;
        if (p != null)
            p.Value = "IsActive=true OR Id=" + valueToBind;
            return valueToBind;
        return string.Empty;

    private static bool ListContainsValue(IEnumerable list, string value)
        if (value.Length == 0) return true;

        foreach (object o in list)
            IEntity entity = o as IEntity;
            if (entity != null)
                if (entity.Id.ToString() == value)
                    return true;
        return false;


public static string Verify(string valueToBind, object dataSource)
//what is the correct way to convert from object
BaseDataSource baseInstance = dataSource as BaseDataSource;

if baseInstance != null)
    if (ListContainsValue(baseInstance.GetEntityList(), valueToBind)) return valueToBind;
    CustomParameter p = baseInstance.Parameters["WhereClause"] as CustomParameter;
    if (p != null)
        p.Value = "IsActive=true OR Id=" + valueToBind;
        return valueToBind;

return string.Empty;

3 回答 3



    public static string Verify(string valueToBind, object dataSource)
        ////what is the correct way to convert from object
        //BaseDataSource baseInstance = dataSource as BaseDataSource;
        Type type = dataSource.GetType();
        MethodInfo select = type.GetMethod("Select");
        PropertyInfo parameters = type.GetProperty("Parameters");
        PropertyInfo parameterGetter = null;
        object parametersInstance = null;
        if (parameters != null)
            parametersInstance = parameters.GetValue(dataSource, null);
            type = parametersInstance.GetType();
            parameterGetter = type.GetProperty("Item");

        //if baseInstance != null)
        if (select != null && parameters != null && parameterGetter != null)
                if (ListContainsValue(baseInstance.GetEntityList(), valueToBind)) return valueToBind;
                CustomParameter p = parameterGetter.GetValue(parametersInstance, new object[] {"WhereClause" }) as CustomParameter;

                if (p != null)
                        p.Value = "IsActive=true OR Id=" + valueToBind;
                        select.Invoke(dataSource, null);
                        return valueToBind;

        return string.Empty;
于 2009-01-21T04:58:19.157 回答


    public string Verify(string valueToBind, object dataSource)
        IListDataSource listDataSource = dataSource as IListDataSource;
        if (listDataSource != null)
            if (ListContainsValue(listDataSource.GetEntityList(), valueToBind)) return valueToBind;

        Type type = dataSource.GetType();
        MethodInfo select = type.GetMethod("Select", new Type[0]);
        PropertyInfo parameterCollectionInfo = type.GetProperty("Parameters");
        ParameterCollection pc = parameterCollectionInfo.GetValue(dataSource, null) as ParameterCollection;

        if (pc != null)
            CustomParameter p = pc["WhereClause"] as CustomParameter;
            if (p != null)
                p.Value = "IsActive=true OR Id=" + valueToBind;
                select.Invoke(dataSource, null);
                return valueToBind;

        return string.Empty;
于 2009-01-21T06:57:09.400 回答


我可以确认:是DseDataSource从 NetTiers 生成的吗?在这种情况下,NetTiers 会生成“部分”类吗?如果是这样,您可以在第二个类文件中添加接口实现:

namespace YourNamespace {
    partial class DseDataSource : IYourInterface {
        // implement interface


于 2009-01-21T02:25:47.547 回答