我曾尝试 PyPDF2 使用以下代码段从 PDF 中提取和解析文本;
import PyPDF2
import re
pdfFileObj = open('test.pdf', 'rb')
pdfReader = PyPDF2.PdfFileReader(pdfFileObj)
rawText = pdfReader.getPage().extractText()
extractedText = re.split('\n|\t', rawText)
print("Extracted Text: " + str(extractedText) + "\n")
案例 1:当我尝试解析 pdf 文本时,我未能完全按照它们在 pdf 中出现的方式解析它们。例如,
和结果中都找不到换行符或换行符,如下所示 -
input field, your old automation script will try to submit a form with missing data unless you update it.Another common case is asserting that a specific error message appeared and then updating the error message, which will also break the script.
2B. Community Living5710509-112C. Lifelong Learning69116310-122D. Employment5710509-11
这更难以解析和区分这些单独的分数。是否可以使用 PyPDF2 或任何其他 Python 库完美解析这些场景?