一旦我为我的数据创建了服务,动画就会停止工作。看起来这是因为当页面最初加载时,ng-repeat 中没有元素(因为它正在获取数据)。似乎与THIS和THIS类似:
ERROR Error: Unable to process animations due to the following failed trigger transitions @listAnimation has failed due to:
- `query(":enter")` returned zero elements. (Use `query(":enter", { optional: true })` if you wish to allow this.)
trigger('listAnimation', [
transition('* => *', [
query(':enter', style({ opacity: 0}), { optional: true }),
query(':enter', stagger('150ms', [
animate('.5s ease-in', keyframes([
style({ opacity: 0, /*transform: 'translateY(-75px)',*/ offest: 0}),
style({ opacity: .5, /*transform: 'translateY(35px)',*/ offest: .3}),
style({ opacity: 1, /*transform: 'translateY(0px)',*/ offest: 1})
<div [@listAnimation]>
<div *ngFor="let member of members" class="member-card">
member info goes here...
现在在你说之前"put in { optional: true } like the error message says"
......我做到了 -它消除了错误消息,但实际上并没有使动画工作:
trigger('listAnimation', [
transition('* => *', [
query(':enter', style({ opacity: 0}), { optional: true }),
query(':enter', stagger('150ms', [
animate('.5s ease-in', keyframes([
style({ opacity: 0, /*transform: 'translateY(-75px)',*/ offest: 0}),
style({ opacity: .5, /*transform: 'translateY(35px)',*/ offest: .3}),
style({ opacity: 1, /*transform: 'translateY(0px)',*/ offest: 1})
]), {optional: true})