我有来自 FLIR 的示例代码:
video_input = videoinput('gige'); %connect to the first gige camera
source = video_input.Source; %get the source object
%To get temperature linear data, the following GenICam registers needs
%to be set
source.SensorGainMode = 'HighGainMode';
source.TemperatureLinearMode = 'On';
source.TemperatureLinearResolution = 'High';
%start the video acquisition
%MATLAB will receive data in uint16 format, the camera streams in 14bit
%therefor we have to remove the two most significant bits (2^14 and 2^15)
temp_linear = double(getdata(video_input, 1, 'uint16'));
temp_linear_stripped = temp_linear -(2^15) - (2^14); %removing the 2 MSB
%the temperature is linear in this format: T = Signal * 0.04
temp_data_kelvin = temp_linear_stripped * 0.04;
%we get the data in Kelvin, so it needs to be converted
temp_data_celcius = temp_data_kelvin - 273.15;
%displaying the temperature in pixel(100,100)
%to display the image, we can use imagesc
imagesc 的输出是我想要的 jpg 格式。但 id 也喜欢与之相关的温度数据。有没有办法在matlab中做到这一点?
我试过 imwrite(temp_data_celcius, 'image.jpg') 但它给我的只是一张空白图片。我的猜测是因为 imwrite 写入了 [0,1] 的动态范围,但恐怕我不知道这意味着什么。我想保存嵌入温度数据的(灰度很好)。所以如果我稍后打开图像,我仍然有温度数据。