我正在用相互递归实现在 Haskell 中进行一些动态编程。
Monad.Memo 为这种情况提供了 MemoT 变压器。但它使用 Map 作为存储值的内部表示。虽然这给了我数量级的速度提升,但这仍然不够。
虽然 lib 支持基于数组和基于向量的实现作为内部存储,但它仅适用于简单的递归,我没有找到任何像 MemoT 这样的转换器来使用它进行相互递归。
我的下一个问题是关于记忆效应。所以我希望我的函数在第一次运行时会花费更多时间,而在连续运行时会花费更少的时间。但是我发现在 ghci 中运行它每次所花费的时间是相同的。所以第一次和第二次没有区别。我测量时间如下:
timeit $ print $ dynamic (5,5)
import Control.Monad.Memo
import Control.Monad.Identity
type Pos = (Int, Int)
type MemoQ = MemoT (Int, Int, Int) [Int]
type MemoV = MemoT (Int, Int, Int) Int
type MemoQV = MemoQ (MemoV Identity)
-- we are moving to (0,0) as we can always shift the world by substituting variables
-- due to symmetry of cost function it is enougth to solve for only positive x and y
dynamic :: Pos -> [Int]
dynamic (x, y) = lastUnique $ map (evalQ x y) [1 ..]
where lastUnique (x0:x1:xs) | x0 == x1 = x0
| otherwise = lastUnique (x1:xs)
evalQ :: Int -> Int -> Int -> [Int]
evalQ x y n = startEvalMemo . startEvalMemoT $ fqmon x y n
fqmon :: Int -> Int -> Int -> MemoQV [Int]
fqmon _ _ 0 = return [0,0,0,0]
fqmon x y n = do
let pts = neighbours (x, y)
let v = for3 memol1 fvmon n
let c = cost (x, y)
let q = fmap (c +) . uncurry v
traverse q pts
fvmon :: Int -> Int -> Int -> MemoQV Int
fvmon _ 0 0 = return 0
fvmon 0 x y = return $ cost (x, y)
fvmon n x y | limit = return 1000000
| otherwise = liftM minimum $ for3 memol0 fqmon x' y' (n - 1)
where x' = abs x
y' = abs y
limit = x' > 25 || y' > 25
cost :: Pos -> Int
cost (x, y) = abs x + abs y
neighbours :: Pos -> [Pos]
neighbours (x, y) = [(x-1, y), (x+1, y), (x, y-1), (x, y+1)]
根据#liqui 评论,我尝试了 memcombinators。
type Pos = (Int, Int)
dynamic :: Int -> Int -> [Int]
dynamic x y = lastUnique $ map (fq x y) [1 ..]
where lastUnique (x0:x1:xs) | x0 == x1 = x0
| otherwise = lastUnique (x1:xs)
fq :: Int -> Int -> Int -> [Int]
fq _ _ 0 = [0, 0, 0, 0] -- Q at 0 step is 0 in all directions
fq x y n = (cost (x, y) +) . (uncurry $ fv n) <$> neighbours (x, y)
fv :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int
fv _ 0 0 = 0 -- V at (0, 0) is 0 at any atep
fv 0 x y = cost (x, y) -- V at 0 step is a cost
fv n x y = minimum $ fq x y (n - 1)
cost :: Pos -> Int
cost (x, y) = abs x + abs y
neighbours :: Pos -> [Pos]
neighbours (x, y) = [(x-1, y), (x+1, y), (x, y-1), (x, y+1)]
dynamic :: Int -> Int -> [Int]
dynamic x y = lastUnique $ map (fqmem x y) [1 ..]
where lastUnique (x0:x1:xs) | x0 == x1 = x0
| otherwise = lastUnique (x1:xs)
-- memoizing version of fq
fqmem :: Int -> Int -> Int -> [Int]
fqmem x y n = fqmem' x y n
where fqmem' = memo3 integral integral integral fq
-- memoizing version of fv
fvmem :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int
fvmem n x y = fvmem' n x y
where fvmem' = memo3 integral integral integral fv
fq :: Int -> Int -> Int -> [Int]
fq _ _ 0 = [0, 0, 0, 0] -- Q at 0 step is 0 in all directions
fq x y n = (cost (x, y) +) . (uncurry $ fvmem n) <$> neighbours (x, y)
fv :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int
fv _ 0 0 = 0 -- V at (0, 0) is 0 at any atep
fv 0 x y = cost (x, y) -- V at 0 step is a cost
fv n x y = minimum $ fqmem x y (n - 1)
结果有点悖论。它比非记忆递归实现慢 3 倍。只记住一个函数(即 fq)而不接触 fv 会使结果慢 2 倍。我用 memcombinators 记住的越多,计算就越慢。第一次和第二次调用之间再次没有区别。
也是最后一个问题。在 Monad.Memo 或 memcombinators 或 MemotTrie 之间进行选择的理由是什么?在评论中使用 last 2 是有道理的。什么情况下 Monad.Memo 是更好的选择?