我运行 CYK 算法,但是,我试图将其作为自上而下的设计(记忆)来做,有什么帮助吗?
bool canDerive(nonterminal S, string w) {
return canDeriveRec(S, w, 0, w.size());
/* Can you derive the substring [start, end) of w from S? */
bool canDeriveRec(nonterminal S, string w, int start, int end) {
/* Base case: Single characters */
if (end - start == 1) {
return whether there is a production S -> a, where a = w[start];
/* Recursive case: Try all possible splits */
for (each production S -> AB) {
for (int mid = start + 1; mid < end; mid++) {
if (canDeriveRec(A, w, start, mid) &&
canDeriveRec(B, w, mid, end)) {
return true;
return false;