I'm programmatically putting various TextViews into a LinearLayout with a horizontal orientation.

After 2h of research I couldn't find out how to tell Android not to squeeze all the TextViews in one line but instead to "float" non-fitting TextViews into the next line.

I know there isn't something like actual "lines" in a LinearLayout, but how can I tell the TextViews to actually behave like floating DIVs from the HTML world?

Thanks alot!


2 回答 2


Use RelativeLayout. In addition to allowing to you to set up Views relative to each other, it can also align them relative the parent.

Specifically, look at RelativeLayout.LayoutParams, with which you can do something similar to float with alignParentRight/alignParentLeft and so on.

于 2011-01-07T16:06:47.787 回答

It sounds like you're looking for something like a FlowLayout in Java? I found an answer in this question that looks immensely helpful for what you're trying to do.

于 2011-01-07T16:51:16.903 回答