我正在尝试将正则化添加到我使用 numpy 和 vanilla Python 创建的 Mnist 数字 NN 分类器中。我目前正在使用带有交叉熵成本函数的 Sigmoid 激活。
在不使用正则化器的情况下,我得到了 97% 的准确率。
然而,一旦我添加了正则化器,尽管使用不同的超参数,我只得到了大约 11%。我尝试了不同的学习率:
.001, .1, 1
以及不同的 lambda 值,例如:
.5、.8、1.0、2.0 等
def calculate_gradients(self,x, y, lambd):
'''calculate all gradients with respect to
cost. Here our cost function is cross_entropy
last_layer_z_error = dC/dZ (z is logit)
All weight gradients also include regularization gradients
x.shape[0] = len of sample size
##### First we calculate the output layer gradients #########
gradients, activations, zs = self.gather_backprop_data(x,y)
#gradient of cost with respect to Z of last layer
last_layer_z_error = ((activations[-1] - y))
#updating the weight_derivatives of final layer
gradients['w'+ str(self.num_layers -1)] = np.dot(activations[-2].T,last_layer_z_error)/x.shape[0] + (lambd/x.shape[0])*(self.parameters['w'+ str(self.num_layers -1)])
gradients['b'+ str(self.num_layers -1)] = np.mean(last_layer_z_error, axis =0)
gradients['b'+ str(self.num_layers -1)] = np.expand_dims(gradients['b'+ str(self.num_layers -1)],0)
z_previous_layer = last_layer_z_error
for i in reversed(range(1,self.num_layers -1)):
z_previous_layer =np.dot(z_previous_layer,self.parameters['w'+ str(i+1)].T, )*\
gradients['w'+str(i)] = np.dot((activations[i-1].T),z_previous_layer)/x.shape[0] + (lambd/x.shape[0])*(self.parameters['w'+str(i)])
gradients['b'+str(i)] = np.mean(z_previous_layer, axis =0)
gradients['b'+str(i)] = np.expand_dims(gradients['b'+str(i)],0)
return gradients
如果需要,我已将整个笔记本上传到 Github: