Warning (from warnings module):
File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/numpy/lib/twodim_base.py", line 233
m = zeros((N, M), dtype=dtype)
VisibleDeprecationWarning: using a non-integer number instead of an integer will result in an error in the future
Warning (from warnings module):
File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/numpy/lib/twodim_base.py", line 240
m[:M-k].flat[i::M+1] = 1
VisibleDeprecationWarning: using a non-integer number instead of an integer will result in an error in the future
import cmath
import numpy as np
import math
from random import randint
def gate_scale(gate, ap_qubit):
dimensions = math.sqrt(np.size(gate))
if 2**qnum == dimensions:
return gate
iterator = 1
kron_num = []
identity = np.identity(dimensions, np.matrix)
while iterator <= dimensions:
kron_num[ap_qubit] = gate
kron_iterator = list(range(len(kron_num)))
for i in kron_iterator:
if i == 0:
x = kron_num[i]
if i > 0:
x = np.kron(x, kron_num[i])
return x
def hadop(qstat, ap_qubit):
matrix = (1/cmath.sqrt(2))*np.array([[1,1],[1,-1]])
matrix = gate_scale(matrix, ap_qubit)
return np.dot(matrix, qstat)
def xop(qstat, ap_qubit):
matrix = np.array([[0,1],[1,0]])
matrix = gate_scale(matrix, ap_qubit)
return np.dot(matrix,qstat)
def zop(qstat, ap_qubit):
matrix = np.array([[1,0],[0,-1]])
matrix = gate_scale(matrix, ap_qubit)
return np.dot(matrix,qstat)
def yop(qstat, ap_qubit):
matrix = np.array([[0, cmath.sqrt(-1)],[-1*cmath.sqrt(-1),0]])
matrix = gate_scale(matrix, ap_qubit)
return np.dot(matrix,qstat)
def sqrtxop(qstat, ap_qubit):
const1 = 1+cmath.sqrt(1)
const2 = 1-cmath.sqrt(1)
matrix = np.array([[const1/2,const2/2],[const2/2,const1/2]])
matrix = gate_scale(matrix, ap_qubit)
return np.dot(matrix,qstat)
def phaseshiftop(qstat, ap_qubit):
phasepos = [math.pi/4, math.pi/2]
x = input("Please pick one of the two phase shifts, 0 for the first, 1 for the second: ")
if x == "0":
y = phasepos[0]
elif x == "1":
y = phasepos[1]
const1 = cmath.sqrt(-1)*y
matrix = np.array([[1,0],[0,math.e**const1]])
matrix = gate_scale(matrix, ap_qubit)
return np.dot(matrix,qstat)
#use of eval because I want the user to be able to input constants, etc
def customop(qstat):
dimension = eval(input("What are the dimensions of your (square) matrix? Please input a single number: "))
ls = []
for y in range(dimension):
for x in range(dimension):
ls.append(float(input('What value for position ({}, {}): '.format(y+1, x+1))))
matrix = np.matrix(np.resize(ls, (dimension, dimension)))
#check if matrix is unitary
if np.array_equal(np.dot(matrix, matrix.conj().T), np.identity(dimension)) == True:
return np.dot(matrix, qstat)
print("matrix not unitary, pretending none was applied")
return qstat
def probability(qstat, n): #fix to handle larger state vectors (see printing)
if n == 0:
return (qstat[0])**2
elif n == 1:
return (qstat[-1])**2
def measurement(qstat, ap_qubit): #fix to handle larger state vectors
prob1 = probability(qstat,0)
prob2 = probability(qstat,1)
random = randint(0,1)
if random <= prob1:
qstat = np.array([0,1])
elif prob1 < random:
qstat = np.array([1,0])
return qstat
qnum = int(input("how many qubits: "))
zero_state = np.matrix([[1],[0]])
one_state = np.matrix([[0],[1]])
z_or_o = input('would you like to start in the 0 or 1 state: ')
iterate = 1
while iterate <= qnum:
if iterate == 1:
if z_or_o == '0':
x = zero_state
elif z_or_o == '1':
x = one_state
if iterate == qnum:
qstat = x
x = np.kron(x,zero_state)
gates = {"Hadamard":hadop, "X":xop, "Z":zop, "Y":yop, "sqrtX":sqrtxop,"phase shift":phaseshiftop,"measurement":measurement,"custom":customop}#, "control":control, "target":target
done = "n"#needs to handle more than 1 qubit
while done == "n":
if qnum == 1:
fstgat = input("what gate would you like to use? use the list of gates at the top minus control and target: ")
ap_qubit = int(input("what qubit would you like it to be applied to?"))#handling control/target...
if fstgat in gates:
qstat = gates[fstgat](qstat,ap_qubit)
done = input("Done with your circuit? y or n: ")
print("sorry, that gate is not yet implemented. maybe try custom gate.")
fstgat = input('what gate would you like to use? (proceed at your own risk): ')
ap_qubit = int(input('what qubit would you like that gate to be applied to: '))
if fstgat in gates:
qstat = gates[fstgat](qstat,ap_qubit)
done = input('done with your circuit? y or n: ')
print('sorry, gate not implemented, maybe try custom gate.')
#printing - fix to handle larger state vectors
print(" ")
print("final state:", qstat)
print("probability of |0> state upon measurement is", probability(qstat,0))#this needs to iterate for qubits
print("probability of |1> state upon measurement is", probability(qstat,1))
import cmath
import numpy as np
import math
from random import randint
def gate_scale(gate, ap_qubit):
dimensions = math.sqrt(np.size(gate))
if 2**qnum == dimensions:
return gate
iterator = 1
kron_num = []
identity = np.identity(dimensions, np.matrix)
while iterator <= dimensions:
kron_num[ap_qubit] = gate
kron_iterator = list(range(len(kron_num)))
for i in kron_iterator:
if i == 0:
x = kron_num[i]
if i > 0:
x = np.kron(x, kron_num[i])
return x
def xop(qstat, ap_qubit):
matrix = np.array([[0,1],[1,0]])
matrix = gate_scale(matrix, ap_qubit)
return np.dot(matrix,qstat)
def probability(qstat, n): #fix to handle larger state vectors (see printing)
if n == 0:
return (qstat[0])**2
elif n == 1:
return (qstat[-1])**2
def measurement(qstat, ap_qubit): #fix to handle larger state vectors
prob1 = probability(qstat,0)
prob2 = probability(qstat,1)
random = randint(0,1)
if random <= prob1:
qstat = np.array([0,1])
elif prob1 < random:
qstat = np.array([1,0])
return qstat
qnum = int(input("how many qubits: "))
zero_state = np.matrix([[1],[0]])
one_state = np.matrix([[0],[1]])
z_or_o = input('would you like to start in the 0 or 1 state: ')
iterate = 1
while iterate <= qnum:
if iterate == 1:
if z_or_o == '0':
x = zero_state
elif z_or_o == '1':
x = one_state
if iterate == qnum:
qstat = x
x = np.kron(x,zero_state)
gates = {"Hadamard":hadop, "X":xop, "Z":zop, "Y":yop, "sqrtX":sqrtxop,"phase shift":phaseshiftop,"measurement":measurement,"custom":customop}#, "control":control, "target":target
done = "n"#needs to handle more than 1 qubit
while done == "n":
if qnum == 1:
fstgat = input("what gate would you like to use? use the list of gates at the top minus control and target: ")
ap_qubit = int(input("what qubit would you like it to be applied to?"))#handling control/target...
if fstgat in gates:
qstat = gates[fstgat](qstat,ap_qubit)
done = input("Done with your circuit? y or n: ")
print("sorry, that gate is not yet implemented. maybe try custom gate.")
fstgat = input('what gate would you like to use? (proceed at your own risk): ')
ap_qubit = int(input('what qubit would you like that gate to be applied to: '))
if fstgat in gates:
qstat = gates[fstgat](qstat,ap_qubit)
done = input('done with your circuit? y or n: ')
print('sorry, gate not implemented, maybe try custom gate.')
#printing - fix to handle larger state vectors
print(" ")
print("final state:", qstat)
print("probability of |0> state upon measurement is", probability(qstat,0))#this needs to iterate for qubits
print("probability of |1> state upon measurement is", probability(qstat,1))
how many qubits: 2
would you like to start in the 0 or 1 state: 0
dict_keys(['X', 'sqrtX', 'Hadamard', 'Z', 'phase shift', 'measurement', 'custom', 'Y'])
what gate would you like to use? (proceed at your own risk): X
what qubit would you like that gate to be applied to: 1