public ActionResult CharterColumn()
var results = (from c in db.Clockcards select c);
// the employeeid is a foreign key in the clockcards table
// i want to get the name from the employee table
// and display only that employees hours worked for the months
var groupedByMonth = results
.OrderByDescending(x => x.CaptureDate)
.GroupBy(x => new { x.CaptureDate.Year, x.CaptureDate.Month }).ToList();
List<string> monthNames = groupedByMonth
.Select(a => a.FirstOrDefault().CaptureDate.ToString("MMMM"))
List<double> hoursPerMonth = groupedByMonth
.Select(a => a.Sum(p => p.Hours))
ArrayList xValue = new ArrayList(monthNames);
ArrayList yValue = new ArrayList(hoursPerMonth);
new Chart(width: 800, height: 400, theme: ChartTheme.Yellow)
.AddSeries("Default", chartType: "Column", xValue: xValue, yValues: yValue)
return null;
<img src= "@Url.Action("CharterColumn")" alt="Chart"/>