基于 Web 的应用程序间歇性地抛出“500 内部服务器错误”。此应用程序部署在 WAS 8.0 服务器上,IHS 和 WAS 服务器托管在不同的机器上。请在 IHS 端的 TRACE 级别插件日志下方找到。
DEBUG: ws_common: websphereExecute: Wrote the request; reading the response (timeout 900)
DETAIL: lib_htresponse: htresponseRead: Reading the response: 64040a70 TRACE: lib_rio: Blocking for read, waiting 900
DEBUG: lib_rio.c line 896 : Read failed, rc=104
DEBUG: lib_htresponse: htresponseSetError: Setting the error to: |READ_FAILED|(1, Line: 713)
DEBUG: ws_common: websphereExecute: Failed to read from an old stream; probably Keep-Alive timeout fired
DEBUG: ws_transport: transportStreamDequeue: Checking for existing stream from the queue
DEBUG: lib_stream: destroyStream: Destroying the stream
DEBUG: lib_rio: rclose: socket 13 closed
STATS: ws_server: serverSetFailoverStatus: Server xxxxx : pendingRequests 0 failedRequests 7 affinityRequests 57 totalRequests 51.
ERROR: ws_common: websphereHandleRequest: Failed to execute the transaction to 'xxxxx' on host 'yyyyy'; will try another one
ERROR: ws_common: websphereWriteRequestReadResponse: Failed to find an app server to handle this request
ERROR: ESI: getResponse: failed to get response: rc = 10 DEBUG: ESI: esiHandleRequest: failed to get response
DEBUG: ESI: esiRequestUrlStackDestroy
DEBUG: ESI: cacheURL: '/site/index'
DETAIL: ESI: esiRequestPopUrl: '/site/index'
DEBUG: ESI: esiUrlDestroy: '/site/index'
ERROR: [://site/index] ws_common: websphereHandleRequest: Failed to handle request rc=10
DEBUG: ws_common: websphereCloseConnection
DETAIL: ws_common: websphereEndRequest: Ending the request