Imagine you have to represent 1/3 in base 10 with a limited number of digits.
With 2 digits (let's call this single precision), it will be 0.33
With 4 digits (double precision) it will be 0.3333
So the two approximations are not equal.
Now transpose this to representing 1/5 in base 2. You also need an infinite number of bits (binary digits) - it's 0.001100110011....
With 24bits significand (IEEE 754 single precision) and 53 bits significand (double precision), the two floating point approximation will be different.
Same for 1/3...
If the number can be represented exactly without approximation in single precision, then both representation will be equal.
That is a numerator fitting in less than 25 bits (without the trailing zeros), and a denominator being a power of 2. (but not too high an exponent both in numerator nor in denominator...).
for example 1/2 3/2 5/2 ... 1/4 3/4 5/4 etc... will have equal representation.
2^24+1 won't have same representation.
But 2^60 will.
There are other case when representation will be inexact but approximation will be the same:
2^54+1 will have same float and double approximation.
so will 1+2^-60 for example.