



A (TERM1) consists of (MINIMUM1 to (MAXIMUM1|many)|(MINMAX1|many)) (TERM2) ((?#********RepeatablePart********)and (MINIMUM2 to (MAXIMUM2|many)|(MINMAX|many)) (TERM3))+.

MINMAX1/MINMAX2 可以是数字或只是单词“many”,MINIMUM1/MINIMUM2 是数字,MAXIMUM1/MAXIMUM2 可以是数字或单词“many”。


  1. 一辆车由 2 到 5 个座位​​和 1 个 Breakpedal 和 1 个 Gaspedal 以及 4 到 6 个窗户组成。
  2. 一棵树由许多苹果和 2 到多种颜色和 0 到 1 只松鼠和许多叶子组成。
  3. 一本书由 1 到多个作者和 1 个标题和 3 个书签组成。

    1. 将包含:TERM1 = 汽车,MINIMUM1 = 2,MAXIMUM1 = 5,MINMAX1 = null,TERM2 = 座位,MINIMUM2 = null,MAXIMUM2 = null,MINMAX2 = 1,TERM3=Breakpedal,MINIMUM2 = null,MAXIMUM2 = null,MINMAX2=1 , TERM3= Gaspedal, MINIMUM2 = 4, MAXIMUM2 = 6, MINMAX2= null, TERM3= Windows
    2. 将包含:TERM1 = 树、MINIMUM1 = null、MAXIMUM1 = null、MINMAX1 = many、TERM2 = Apples、MINIMUM2 = 2、MAXIMUM2 = many、MINMAX2 = null、TERM3=Colors、MINIMUM2 = 0、MAXIMUM2 = 1、MINMAX2 = null , TERM3=松鼠, MINIMUM2 = null, MAXIMUM2 = null, MINMAX2 = many, TERM3=叶子
    3. 将包含:TERM1 = Book,MINIMUM1 = 1,MAXIMUM1 = many,MINMAX1 = null,TERM2 = Authors,MINIMUM2 = null,MAXIMUM2 = null,MINMAX2 = 1,TERM3=Title,MINIMUM2 = null,MAXIMUM2 = null,MINMAX2 = 3 , TERM3=书签

我创建了一个类,我想用我的字符串中可重复部分的值填充它(说的是 MINIMUM2、MAXIMUM2、MINMAX 和 TERM3):

//MyObject contains the values of one expression from the repateatable part.
public class MyObject
    public string term { get; set; }
    public string min { get; set; }
    public string max { get; set; }
    public string minmax { get; set; }

由于我的模式有一个可重复的部分 (+),我想创建一个列表,在其中添加一个新对象 (MyObject),我想填充可重复组的值。

我的问题是我不确定如何用可重复部分的值填充我的对象。我尝试对其进行编码的方式是错误的,因为我的列表自一个句子以来没有相同数量的值(例如,“一本书由 1 到多个作者和 1 个标题和 3 个书签组成。”)从来没有一个 MINIMUM2,每个可重复部分中有一个 MAXIMUM2 和一个 MINMAX2。


我的代码(在 C# 中):

var match = Regex.Match(exampleText, pattern);
if (match.Success)

    string term1 = match.Groups["TERM1"].Value;
    string minimum1 = match.Groups["MINIMUM1"].Value;
    string maximum1 = match.Groups["MAXIMUM1"].Value;
    string minmax1 = match.Groups["MINMAX1"].Value;
    string term2 = match.Groups["TERM2"].Value;

    //--> Groups[].Captures..ToList() might be wrong. Maybe there is a better way to get the values of the reapeatable Part
    List<string> minimums2 = match.Groups["MINIMUM2"].Captures.Cast<Capture>().Select(x => x.Value).ToList<string>();
    List<string> maximums2 = match.Groups["MAXIMUM2"].Captures.Cast<Capture>().Select(x => x.Value).ToList<string>();
    List<string> minmaxs2 = match.Groups["MINMAX2"].Captures.Cast<Capture>().Select(x => x.Value).ToList<string>();
    List<string> terms3 = match.Groups["TERM3"].Captures.Cast<Capture>().Select(x => x.Value).ToList<string>();

    List<MyObject> myList = new List<MyObject>();

    for (int i = 0; i<terms3.Count; i++)
       myList.Add(new MyObject()
             term = terms3[i],
             min = minimums2[i] //-->ERROR MIGHT HAPPEN when List<string>minimums2 doesn't have the same amount of values like List<string> terms3
             max = maximums2[i] //-->ERROR..
             minmax = minmaxs2[i] //-->ERROR...

1 回答 1



string[] splittedText = Regex.Split(exampleText, @"\sand\s");

在拆分我的 exampleText 后,我​​将每个短语的值插入到 myObject 中的 for 循环中,在其中我执行另一个 regex.match 以从每个短语中获取我需要的值。

string pattern2 =(((?#********RepeatablePart********)(?<MININUM2>(\d+))\sto\s(?<MAXIMUM2>(\d+|many){1})|(?<MINMAX2>(\d+|many{1}){1}){1})\s(?<TERM3>([A-Z][a-z]{1,})))+\.$
List<MyObject> myList = new List<MyObject>();

//i = 1 -> since splittedText[0] contains the beginning of the sentence (e.g. 'A Car consists of 2 to 5 Seats')
for (int i = 1; i<splittedText.Count(); i++)
   var match2 = Regex.Match(splittedText[i], pattern2);
   if (match2.Success)
       myList.Add(new MyObject()
          term = match2.Groups["TERM3"].Value,              
          min = match2.Groups["MININUM2"].Value,
          max = match2.Groups["MAXIMUM2"].Value,
          minmax = match2.Groups["MINMAX2"].Value

于 2017-09-14T14:53:46.753 回答