我从未将 IoC 容器与 WebForms 一起使用,因此将其作为一些高级解决方案,可能应该进一步改进。
您可以尝试将一些 IoC 提供程序创建为单例:
public class IoCProvider
private static IoCProvider _instance = new IoCProvider();
private IWindsorContainer _container;
public IWindsorContainer
return _container;
public static IoCProvider GetInstance()
return _instance;
private IoCProvider()
_container = new WindsorContainer(new XmlInterpreter(new ConfigResource("castle")));
<section name="castle" type="Castle.Windsor.Configuration.AppDomain.CastleSectionHandler, Castle.Windsor" />
<component id="DalLayer"
service="MyDal.IDalLayer, MyDal"
type="MyDal.MyDalLayer, MyDal"
Here we define that lifestyle of DalLayer is PerWebRequest so each
time the container resolves IDalLayer interface in the same Web request
processing, it returns same instance of DalLayer class
<component id="BusinessLayer"
service="MyBll.IBusinessLayer, MyBll"
type="MyBll.BusinessLayer, MyBll" />
Just example where BusinessLayer receives IDalLayer as
constructor's parameter.
public IDalLayer
IRepository<T> GetRepository<T>(); // Simplified solution with generic repository
Commint(); // Unit of work
// DalLayer holds Object context. Bacause of PerWebRequest lifestyle you can
// resolve this class several time during request processing and you will still
// get same instance = single ObjectContext.
public class DalLayer : IDalLayer, IDisposable
private ObjectContext _context; // use context when creating repositories
public DalLayer(string connectionString) { ... }
public interface IBusinessLayer
// Each service implementation will receive necessary
// repositories from constructor.
// BusinessLayer will pass them when creating service
// instance
// Some business service exposing methods for UI layer
ISomeService SomeService { get; }
public class BusinessLayer : IBusinessLayer
private IDalLayer _dalLayer;
public BusinessLayer(IDalLayer dalLayer) { ... }
public abstract class MyBaseForm : Page
private IBusinessLayer _businessLayer = null;
protected IBusinessLayer BusinessLayer
if (_businessLayer == null)
_businessLayer = IoCProvider.GetInstance().Container.Resolve<IBusinessLayer>();
return _businessLayer;
直接解析页面并注入依赖项。如果您想使用这样的解决方案,请检查Spring.NET框架(另一个带有 IoC 容器的 API)。