我正在尝试使用在 Android 手机上运行的 rxBleAndroid 以及使用 Android Things 的 Raspberry Pi 与 BLE 数据记录器/传感器进行通信。

但是,我目前遇到一个问题,我的应用程序从未收到最多大约 5 个第一条通知。

我已验证 BLE 设备实际上已成功发送所有预期的通知。我已经通过 nRF Connect 应用程序做到了这一点,并且一切都按预期工作。

当我通过 nRF Connect 应用程序执行此操作时,我采取的步骤如下:

  1. 写入密码特征以解锁设备
  2. 写入模式特征以将设备置于正确模式
  3. 订阅通知(通知立即开始工作)

通过 RxAndroidBle 执行此操作时,我怀疑可能是 .subscribe() 的设置速度不够快。

是否有某种方法可以执行 setupNotification(),然后编写特征来告诉设备开始发送通知?


rxBleClient = RxBleClient.create(this);
RxBleDevice device = rxBleClient.getBleDevice(mac_address);

        .flatMap(rxBleConnection -> rxBleConnection.writeCharacteristic(pword_uuid, pword)
                .flatMap(ignored1 -> rxBleConnection.writeCharacteristic(mode_uuid, mode))
                .flatMap(ignored2 -> rxBleConnection.setupNotification(log_uuid))
        .flatMap(notificationObservable -> notificationObservable)
                bytes -> {
                    System.out.println(">>> data from device " + bytesToHex(bytes));
                throwable -> {

1 回答 1


可以通过 BLE 执行的大多数操作都是异步的,需要一些时间才能完成。设置通知也不例外 - 这是一个两步过程:

  1. 设置本地通知
  2. 编写一个希望从中获取通知的特征的客户端特征配置描述符


是否有某种方法可以执行 setupNotification(),然后编写特征来告诉设备开始发送通知?


device.establishConnection(false) // establish the connection
        .flatMap(rxBleConnection -> rxBleConnection.setupNotification(log_uuid) // once the connection is available setup the notification
                .flatMap(logDataObservable -> Observable.merge( // when the notification is setup start doing three things at once
                        rxBleConnection.writeCharacteristic(pword_uuid, pword).ignoreElements(), // writing the `pword` but ignore the result so the output of this .merge() will contain only log data
                        rxBleConnection.writeCharacteristic(mode_uuid, mode).ignoreElements(), // same as the line above but for `mode`
                        logDataObservable // observing the log data notifications
                bytes -> System.out.println(">>> data from device " + bytesToHex(bytes)),
                throwable -> {


正如下面评论中提到的那样——在设置模式和写入密码之前,外设不允许任何 BLE 交互。正如我在上面所写的那样,设置通知是一个两步过程,一个是本地步骤,一个是远程(在外围设备上执行),一个在上述代码片段中的模式/密码之前执行。可以通过使用模式和稍后手动NotificationSetupMode.COMPAT编写来分离这两个步骤:Client Characteristic Configuration Descriptor

UUID clientCharacteristicConfigDescriptorUuid = UUID.fromString("00002902-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb");
device.establishConnection(false) // establish the connection
                RxBleConnection::discoverServices,  // once the connection is available discover the services of the peripheral
                (rxBleConnection, rxBleDeviceServices) -> // and when we have the connection and services
                        rxBleDeviceServices.getCharacteristic(log_uuid) // we get the log characteristic (on which we will setup the notification and write the descriptor)
                                .flatMap(logDataCharacteristic -> // once the log characteristic is retrieved
                                        rxBleConnection.setupNotification(logDataCharacteristic, NotificationSetupMode.COMPAT) // we setup the notification on it in the COMPAT mode (without writing the CCC descriptor)
                                                .flatMap(logDataObservable -> Observable.merge( // when the notification is setup start doing four things at once
                                                        rxBleConnection.writeCharacteristic(pword_uuid, pword).ignoreElements(), // writing the `pword` but ignore the result so the output of this .merge() will contain only log data
                                                        rxBleConnection.writeCharacteristic(mode_uuid, mode).ignoreElements(), // same as the line above but for `mode`
                                                        rxBleConnection.writeDescriptor(logDataCharacteristic.getDescriptor(clientCharacteristicConfigDescriptorUuid), BluetoothGattDescriptor.ENABLE_NOTIFICATION_VALUE).ignoreElements(), // and we write the CCC descriptor manually
                                                        logDataObservable // observing the log data notifications
        .flatMap(observable -> observable) // flatMap to get the raw byte[]
                bytes -> System.out.println(">>> data from device " + bytesToHex(bytes)),
                throwable -> {

rxBleConnection.discoverServices()UUID如果我们知道日志特征服务和使用rxBleConnection.writeDescriptor(UUID serviceUuid, UUID characteristicUuid, UUID descriptorUuid函数,调用可以省略。

UUID clientCharacteristicConfigDescriptorUuid = UUID.fromString("00002902-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb");
device.establishConnection(false) // establish the connection
        .flatMap(rxBleConnection -> rxBleConnection.setupNotification(log_uuid, NotificationSetupMode.COMPAT) // once the connection is available setup the notification w/o setting Client Characteristic Config Descriptor
                .flatMap(logDataObservable -> Observable.merge( // when the notification is setup start doing three things at once
                        rxBleConnection.writeCharacteristic(pword_uuid, pword).ignoreElements(), // writing the `pword` but ignore the result so the output of this .merge() will contain only log data
                        rxBleConnection.writeCharacteristic(mode_uuid, mode).ignoreElements(), // same as the line above but for `mode`
                        rxBleConnection.writeDescriptor(log_service_uuid, log_uuid, clientCharacteristicConfigDescriptorUuid).ignoreElements(), // same as the above line but for writing the CCC descriptor
                        logDataObservable // observing the log data notifications
                bytes -> System.out.println(">>> data from device " + bytesToHex(bytes)),
                throwable -> {


由于版本1.8.0有一个新的NotificationSetupMode.QUICK_SETUP,它首先打开内部通知,然后写入 CCC 描述符值。

rxBleConnection.setupNotification(log_uuid, NotificationSetupMode.QUICK_SETUP)


  • Observable<byte[]>在写入描述符之前发出,允许从头开始观察通知(如果开头正在写入描述符)


  • 无法判断描述符何时被写入。
于 2017-09-13T09:05:06.400 回答