I have a table which has the code as primary key instead of Id, When I call DeleteAsync method I get the exception Message = "Cannot update identity column 'Id'.".


public class Test: FullAuditedEntity<int>


new public int Id { get; set; }
public virtual int Code { get; set; }

public async Task DeleteTest(int code)

            await _supplierRepository.DeleteAsync(p => p.Code== code);
        catch (Exception ex)


But If I remove Id column from the table, it works fine. I want both Id column and Code column as PK.


2 回答 2


What is happening is, by FullAuditedEntity<int> automatically creates an Id field of integer. You don't need to do this:

new public int Id { get; set; }

If you want to create a table with a composite key, go ahead and just add your Code Field without replicating the Id field. Then you will have no problems.

于 2017-09-13T10:14:59.170 回答

It is recommended that We should use Id as PK and make other columns as a unique constraint. So if you use Id as PK, you won't face such issues.

于 2017-09-26T09:29:10.047 回答