I am making a file uploader and editer in PHP using the TinyMCE rich text editor.

  1. Which all files/types can be edited in TinyMCE.
  2. Whats best was to edit a server file in TinyMCE.
  3. How do i save to file edited in TinyMCe and what format should i save.

Sample code will be helpful.

In case tinymce is not right editor, please just another open source rich text editor.


1 回答 1


TinyMCE 只是一个所见即所得的编辑器,这意味着它不能读取或写入文件内容,但它可以将 html 解释为可视文本。您可以在 TinyMCE 和您的 php 代码之间交换 html,然后根据需要将其写入文件。您可以使用一些 APIS 将您的文件内容转换为 HTML 以读取它,这些是一些用于读写 MS Word 内容的链接


于 2011-01-06T16:36:34.597 回答