我尝试在我的 STM32f103 上配置我的 MCO 输出,仅使用 STD periph lib。
void OutputMCO() {
GPIO_InitTypeDef GPIO_InitStructure;
/* Output clock on MCO pin ---------------------------------------------*/
GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Pin = GPIO_Pin_8;
GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Mode = GPIO_Mode_AF_PP;
GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Speed = GPIO_Speed_50MHz;
GPIO_Init(GPIOA, &GPIO_InitStructure);
// pick one of the clocks to spew
//RCC_MCOConfig(RCC_MCOSource_SYSCLK); // Put on MCO pin the: System clock selected
//RCC_MCOConfig(RCC_MCOSource_HSE); // Put on MCO pin the: freq. of external crystal
//RCC_MCOConfig(RCC_MCOSource_PLLCLK_Div2); // Put on MCO pin the: System clock selected
// pick one of the clocks to spew
//RCC_MCOConfig(RCC_MCOSource_SYSCLK); // Put on MCO pin the: System clock selected
//RCC_MCOConfig(RCC_MCOSource_HSE); // Put on MCO pin the: freq. of external crystal
//RCC_MCOConfig(RCC_MCOSource_PLLCLK_Div2); // Put on MCO pin the: System clock selected
这三种可能性都不适用于我的代码。此代码是在互联网上找到的。你知道我应该在哪里找到正确的参数吗?RCC_MCOSource 的定义并没有真正帮助我谢谢